A tool to help you migrate OAM CRDs from v1alpha1 to v1alpha2.
This migration tool is primarily a conversion webhook like admission webhook. This webhook
handles the ConversionReview
requests sent by the API servers, and sends back conversion
results wrapped in ConversionResponse
. The specific conversion logic can be customized by the
More details see this.
define how to handle ConversionReview
requests and responses and generally do not need to be changed.convertFunc
is the user defined function for any conversion. The code in this file is a template that can be use for any CR conversion given this function. Or users can customize the input and output to be a specific type of CR.
type convertFunc func(Object *unstructured.Unstructured, version string) (*unstructured.Unstructured, metav1.Status)
and doConversionV1beta1
functions also need to be modified if the user uses a specific type of CR as the input/output of convertFunc
. Change the cr
variable type to the CR desired by the user.
func doConversionV1(convertRequest *v1.ConversionRequest, convert convertFunc) *v1.ConversionResponse {
var convertedObjects []runtime.RawExtension
for _, obj := range convertRequest.Objects {
cr := unstructured.Unstructured{}
if err := cr.UnmarshalJSON(obj.Raw); err != nil {
klog.Info("get storage object successfully, its version:", cr.GetAPIVersion(), ", its name:", cr.GetName())
convertedCR, status := convert(&cr, convertRequest.DesiredAPIVersion)
is an implementation of convertFunc
, and the specific conversion logic is a modification of unstructured nested structure, replacing the old field description of v1alpha1 with the new field description of v1alpha2.
func ConvertAppConfig(Object *unstructured.Unstructured, toVersion string) (*unstructured.Unstructured, metav1.Status)
and Traits
fields in ApplicationConfiguration. Users can customize the conversion logic by implementing methods.
type Converter interface {
ConvertComponent(v1alpha1Component) (v1alpha2Component, v1alpha2.Component, error)
ConvertTrait(v1alpha1Trait) (v1alpha2Trait, error)
Variable definition: Because the ApplicationConfiguration in this example is an unstructured structure, variables are defined as interface{}
or map[string]interface{}
for the convenience of obtaining and modifying specific fields in the nested structure.
type v1alpha1Component interface{}
type v1alpha2Component map[string]interface{}
type v1alpha1Trait interface{}
type v1alpha2Trait map[string]interface{}
Clusters with old versions of CRD
kubectl kustomize ./crd/bases/ | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl apply -f crd/appconfig_v1alpha1_example.yaml
kubectl apply -f crd/role-binding.yaml
Create secret for ssl certificates
curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/crossplane/oam-kubernetes-runtime/master/hack/ssl/ssl.sh | bash -s oam-crd-conversion default
kubectl create secret generic webhook-server-cert --from-file=tls.key=./oam-crd-conversion.key --from-file=tls.crt=./oam-crd-conversion.pem
Create CA Bundle info and inject into the CRD definition
caValue=`kubectl config view --raw --minify --flatten -o jsonpath='{.clusters[].cluster.certificate-authority-data}'`
sed -i 's/${CA_BUNDLE}/'"$caValue"'/g' ./crd/patches/crd_conversion_applicationconfigurations.yaml
Build image and deploy a deployment and a service for webhook
docker build -t example:v0.1 .
kubectl apply -f deploy/webhook.yaml
Patch new versions and conversion strategy to CRD
kubectl get crd applicationconfigurations.core.oam.dev -o yaml >> ./crd/patches/temp.yaml
kubectl kustomize ./crd/patches | kubectl apply -f -
Verify that the old and new version objects are available
# kubectl describe applicationconfigurations complete-app
Name: complete-app
Namespace: default
Labels: <none>
Annotations: API Version: core.oam.dev/v1alpha2
Kind: ApplicationConfiguration
API Version: core.oam.dev/v1alpha2
Kind: RollOutTrait
Name: rollout
Auto: true
Batch Interval: 5
Batches: 2
Canary Replicas: 0
Instance Interval: 1
# kubectl describe applicationconfigurations.v1alpha1.core.oam.dev complete-app
Name: complete-app
Namespace: default
Labels: <none>
Annotations: API Version: core.oam.dev/v1alpha1
Kind: ApplicationConfiguration
Name: rollout
Name: canaryReplicas
Value: 0
Name: batches
Value: 2
Name: batchInterval
Value: 5
Name: instanceInterval
Value: 1
Name: auto
Value: true
Here we use kube-storage-version-migrator as an example, you can write Go scripts instead.
Run the storage Version migrator
git clone https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kube-storage-version-migrator
sed -i 's/kube-system/default/g' ./Makefile
make local-manifests
sed -i '1,5d' ./manifests.local/namespace-rbac.yaml
pushd manifests.local && kubectl apply -k ./ && popd
Verify the migration is "SUCCEEDED"
kubectl get storageversionmigrations -o=custom-columns=NAME:.spec.resource.resource,STATUS:.status.conditions[0].type
... ...
applicationconfigurations SUCCEEDED
... ...
Run the golang script that removes old versions from CRD status.storedVersions
go run remove/remove.go
updated applicationconfigurations.core.oam.dev CRD status storedVersions: [v1alpha2]
Verify the script runs successfully
kubectl describe crd applicationconfigurations.core.oam.dev
Name: applicationconfigurations.core.oam.dev
Stored Versions:
Events: <none>
Remove the old version from the CustomResourceDefinition spec.versions list
kubectl get crd applicationconfigurations.core.oam.dev -o yaml >> ./crd/complete/temp.yaml
kubectl kustomize ./crd/complete | kubectl apply -f -