MyLife-Services / mylife-documentation

Welcome to MyLife's Organizational Documentation. This contains all essential documents and guidelines pertaining to the organizational structure, legal compliance, and operational standards of MyLife. Our mission is to provide a comprehensive digital platform for preserving and sharing human stories, wisdom, and experiences for posterity.
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MyLife GitHub Documentation


Welcome to the MyLife GitHub document repository. This repository contains all essential documents and guidelines pertaining to the organizational structure, legal compliance, and operational standards of MyLife. Our mission is to provide a comprehensive digital platform for preserving and sharing human stories, wisdom, and experiences for posterity.

Repository Structure

The repository is organized into several folders, each containing specific types of documentation:

1. Legal and Organizational Documents

2. Code Standards

3. Alpha Team Management Documentation

Key Documents

Articles of Incorporation

This document outlines the formal establishment of MyLife, including its name, purpose, and key officers. It defines MyLife's charitable and educational objectives, ensuring compliance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


The bylaws provide a comprehensive governance framework for MyLife. They detail the structure and duties of the Board of Directors, membership types, fiscal policies, and procedures for meetings and decision-making. The bylaws ensure transparency and accountability in MyLife's operations.


The constitution sets forth the core values and guiding principles of MyLife. It emphasizes digital dignity, equality, and security, promoting greater introspection, empathy, and personal satisfaction.

Usage Guidelines

  1. Accessing Documents: All documents are stored in their respective folders. Navigate through the repository to find specific documents related to legal compliance, organizational governance, and project management.
  2. Updating Documents: Ensure any updates to documents follow the review and approval process outlined in the repository's governance guidelines. All changes should be documented and version-controlled.
  3. Contributing: Contributions to the repository should align with MyLife’s mission and values. Ensure adherence to coding standards and documentation protocols. Use pull requests for contributions and await approval from the repository maintainers.

Contact Information

For any questions or further information, please contact:

Thank you for contributing to MyLife. Together, we are building a lasting legacy for humanity.

This content was developed in conjunction with MyLife's organizational intelligence, Q, showcasing our commitment to a collaborative and innovative approach to preserving humanity's digital legacy.