Everything you need to know to get started rnning the projec tlocally.
Clone the project from github
# tell npm to downlad the package dependencies
npm install
# run the app locally on localhost:3000
npm run dev
If you want to test locally, run arlocal
to simulate arweave locally.
npx arlocal --persist
Create a few test wallets, I like to use arweave.app to generate new Arweave wallets and download the jwk files.
Mint some tokens int your wallets so they have the funds to post transactions.
Edit arweaveConfig.ts and uncomment the local config (commenting out the live config at the same time)
// const config = {
// host: "localhost",
// port: 1984,
// protocol: "http"
// }
Note: You will need to have sent a transaction locally before another wallet can send a weavemail to your wallet.
Uncomment the Post Transction menu item in header.svelt to be able to post a test transaction to arlocal
to make it possible for other wallets to send a message to your wallet. If you're testing with multiple wallets locally you'll need to do this for each wallet you wish to receive messages.
Visual Code recommended plugins