MyPost / cupickle

Cucumber + Clojure - Now with namespaces!
Apache License 2.0
2 stars 1 forks source link


A Pickle in a Cubicle

A Clojure library designed to run cucucmber test-suites.

Write cucumber features with clojure step-definitions from your cubicle... with cupickle!


Put [ "0.3.1"] into the :dependencies vector of your project.clj.

Put (:require [cupickle.steps :as cps]) into your namespace that is going to define steps.

Put (:require [cupickle.core :as cpc]) into your namespace that is going to trigger testing (not-required if you are using lein-cupickle).

Two namespaces are provided:

Core is intended to be used to trigger test runs.

Steps is intended to make the definitions of cupickle-compatible functions easier.


Build Status

Currently set to perform continuous-integration with Travis-CI


Copyright © 2014 Australia Post

Distributed under the Apache License v2.0