Mykola-CI / slipknot-fan-hub

Join the legion of Slipknot loving Maggots! This community-driven site is a gathering place for Slipknot fans. All built on a reliable tech stack including Django and a relational database
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Join the legion of Slipknot loving Maggots! This community-driven site is a gathering place for Slipknot fans. All built on a reliable tech stack including Django and a relational database. You can enter the realm here.

Mockup responsive

Round and About

Slipknot FanHub is a platform where fans can create and share personalized playlists. These playlists can include a variety of Slipknot-featured, Slipknot-related or Slipknot-inspired items such as:

Share Your Passion

The platform allows fans through their Playlist and Playlist Items to share their impressions, emotions, and personal experiences related to Slipknot. Whether it's a memory from a live show, a deep dive into the lyrics, or a tutorial on how to play their favorite riff, Slipknot FanHub is the place to express their devotion.



Exploring flows of Non-Authenticated User

landing Page screen

landing page wireframe

Signin / Signup navigation bar

Landing navbar for non-authenticated user consists of:

SignUp page screenshot

Login page screenshot

Entry to Round and About Section through Banner 1

Moderator Section and Community Guidelines

Entry to Full List of Shared Playlists through side Banner 2

Full list of Shared Playlists

Entry to Playlist Detail view through one of the Playlist Cards

Playlist detail view

Entry to Playlist Author Presentation view through Author's avatar and username link

Playlist Author Presentation page

Playlist Item Detail Preview

Playlist Item Preview

Pagination Tool in the Footer

Turns pages 5 playlist cards per page.

Pagination Tool

Exploring flows of Authenticated User

Important Notes:

User receives an e-mail for verification with a verification link. Once User follows the link and e-mail gets verified User is redirected to a Login page.

Header Navigation Block changes to Signed

Header changes to 'Signed'

When signed in, User is granted more options:

User Profile Page

User profile Page

User Form to update About Myself information

User Form to Update About Myself

Manage Your Playlists page

Manage Playlists Page

Playlist Detail View for Creating, Updating or Deleting Playlists

Playlist Detail Page

User Form to Create Playlists

Create Playlist form

User Form to Add Item to a Playlist

Add Item to a Playlist form

Project Planning

User Stories

The buildup of basic functionalities for this project was based on User Stories.

The project User Stories can be reviewed on my GitHub Repository here. All User Stories are recorded on GitHub as "issues" and have appropriate markings: epic, user story.

Screenshot of Issues List on GitHub

Example of Epic

Example of User Story Details

ERD - Database Schema

This schema shows relation connections between models and fields structure.

Database Schema

Notes to Data Modeling.

- UserProfile model

Created to extend the built-in Django User model. It adds to the standard fields of the User model such fields as

Field name Field type Status Validator
user OneToOneField related to User on_delete=models.CASCADE
about_myself TextField not required max. num. of characters 1000
avatar CloudinaryField not required image, other validators set on the form and view levels
date_of_birth DateField not required null=True

As it is One-To-One mandatory related to its parent User model it requires a signal set to create UserProfile instance whenever is a new User instance created.

- Playlist model

Created to store the data for a particular User Playlist as umbrella data common for all items which can be added to that Playlist. Field name Field type Status Validator
title Charfield required max_length=200
slug SlugField not required, auto unique
author ForeignKey related to User on_delete=models.CASCADE
featured_image CloudinaryField not required image, other validators set on the form and view levels
description TextField not required MaxLengthValidator(1000)
reference_url URLField not required
created_on DateTimeField auto_now_add=True
status IntegerField not required as per STATUS choices, default = 0
updated_on DateTimeField auto_now=True

STATUS choices are crucial for the site concept as it is constitutes whether a Playlist is Shared (Published) or Not, the latter one meaning it is in the draft mode:

STATUS = ((0, "Draft"), (1, "Published"))

A NOTE ON THE PLAYLIST SLUG FIELD. It is not required from a User, however, every Playlist instance is supplied with 'slug' automatically using Slugify django package and a custom save method of the Playlist model that overrides the standard one.

This save method ensures that

The title and description are supposed to give some message to fellow fan community as to what this Playlist is about. Playlist by itself can be published without any Items anyway, just to express emotions or share thoughts and facts by using merely a description field and URL reference field.

- PlaylistItem model

Created to store the data for a particular Item that is added to a Playlist as a content to support a Playlist idea from a User perspective.

Field name Field type Status Validator
song_title Charfield required max_length = 200
artist Charfield required max_length = 200
album CharField not required max_length = 200
song_audio CloudinaryField not required 'raw' type, other validators set on the form and view levels
song_tabs CloudinaryField not required 'raw' type, other validators set on the form and view levels
song_comments TextField not required MaxLengthValidator(800)
performance_year IntegerField not required null=True
performance_type IntegerField not required as per STATUS choices, default=0
created_on DateTimeField auto auto_now_add=True
updated_on DateTimeField auto auto_now=True

Regarding performance_type Author User is given choices:

TYPE = ((0, "Original"), (1, "Cover"), (2, "Tutorial"), (3, "Inspired"))

- PlaylistPost model

Field name Field type Status Validator
playlist OneToOneField related to Playlist on_delete=models.CASCADE
slug SlugField auto copied from Playlist.slug unique=True, null=False
likes ManyToManyField related to User blank=True
created_on DateTimeField auto auto_now_add=True
updated_on DateTimeField auto auto_now=True

PlaylistPost model serves functionality of Playlist being shared or in other words published.

It eventually does not store Playlist details but rather details about Playlist being published, such as date of publication, and likes received.

It is equipped by total_likes count method. Refer Core models.

Similar to the UserProfile - User models relations PlaylistPost is One-To-One mandatory related to its parent Playlist model. Thus, it requires a signal set to create and/or update PlaylistPost instance whenever a user decides to publish user's Playlist.

A SPECIAL NOTE ON THE PLAYLISTPOST SLUG FIELD. PlaylistPost does not need a title or any other musical details as it is merely a vehicle for a Playlist to appear on the FanHub board. However, it does need a unique slug as an important URL element for PlaylistPost views. Slug is copied from Playlist model to PlaylistPost model making them identical by means of the same signal that creates PlaylisPost instances:\ - PlaylistPost.objects.create(playlist=instance, slug=instance.slug)

- Comment model

Field name Field type Status Validator
playlist_post ForeignKey related to PlaylistPost on_delete=models.CASCADE
author ForeignKey related to User on_delete=models.CASCADE
content TextField required MaxLengthValidator(500)
likes_comment ManyToManyField related to User
created_on DateTimeField auto auto_now_add=True
updated_on DateTimeField auto auto_now=True

It is also equipped by

- ModeratorSection model

It serves Round an About page and the needs of superuser or moderator.\ It can be updated via admin console only and has no relational fields.

Field name Field type Status Validator
title CharField required max_length=200
profile_image CloudinaryField required
updated_on DateTimeField auto auto_now=True
content TextField not required
reference_url URLField not required
about TextField not required

Agile Project Planning

My Kanban Board can be found on my GitHub here


For the testing documentation and descriptions please refer to


Instructions how to deploy may be found at

Technologies used



