Myrsmeden / tagcloud

A facelift of the Software Engineering project from Findwise, originally conducted in 2016. The tagcloud is a website where the hashtag usage is displayed in a tag cloud, divided by which political parties the account is following
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PTC - Political Tag Cloud -

A facelift of the Software Engineering project from Findwise, originally conducted in 2016. The tagcloud is a website where the hashtag usage is displayed in a tag cloud, divided by which political parties the account is following:


The project is divided in a bunch of different microservices.

The index service

The index service is responsible for fetching tweets and inserting them into Elastic. The service is divided into the following tasks:

The Tweet fetcher

The Tweet fetcher is fetching tweets from the accounts specified in the files inside the followers folder, found in the config folder. The data is sent to RabbitMQ

The Tweet indexer

The indexing function is consuming from RabbitMQ and inserting the data into Elastic

The Search service

The search service is serving the endpoints for the frontend and is delivering data from Elastic

The Frontend service

The frontend service is the static files that forms the frontend seen by the users and is communicating with the search service in order to retrieve data


To use RabbitMQ, start the container with

docker run -d --hostname my-rabbit --name some-rabbit -p 15672:15672 -p 5671:5671 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3-management

The ports are used to map ports between the container and your local machine


Default Username/Password



To pull the container

docker pull

Start the container with

docker run -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node"