MysteryPoo / DD-Arena-GameServer

MIT License
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Dungeons and Dwarves: Arena Game Server

A gameserver application launchable through Docker for on-demand hosting. Lobby servers are responsible for launching and maintaining the containers.


With Docker

The easiest way is to simply use Docker and pull the image from Example run command: docker run -d -p 40002:9000 --name ddags --restart unless-stopped -e PORT=9000 -e NOMATCHMAKING=1 victordavion/ddags

Without Docker

One can also run without docker, but Node JS will be required. Being written in TypeScript, modify the tsconfig.json to match the transpiled JS version required for whatever version of Node you're targetting. (Tested on v12.13.0). Once Node is installed on the system, do the following:


The Game Server listens on port 9000 by default or the PORT enviornment variable.

Environment Variables

Variable Name Usage Expected Values
PORT Local port to listen (Useful when hosting outside of Docker) A number 1-65535
AUTHIP IP Address of the Matchmaking Server An IP or hostname
AUTHPORT Port of the Matchmaking Server A number 1-65535
HOST The UID of the client marked as Host for their lobby
PASSWORD Secret string to authorize on the Matchmaking Server A String
PLAYERCOUNT Number of players for this session A number
BOTCOUNT Number of bots to introduce A number
NOMATCHMAKING If matchmaking is enabled, the server will shutdown if no one is connected. 0 or 1