Mythacri / Mythacri-Foundry-Scripts

Foundry Scripts
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Foundry Scripts



Accessed through mythacri.mayhem.

 * Render an instance of the mayhem ui for manually changing the points.
 * @returns {MayhemUI}      A rendered MayhemUI application.
async render()

 * Add mayhem points to yourself.
 * @param {number} [value=1]          The amount of points to add.
 * @returns {Promise<User|null>}      The updated User, or null if the value was invalid.
async add(value = 1)

 * Deduct mayhem points from yourself.
 * @param {number} [value=1]          The amount of points to deduct.
 * @returns {Promise<User|null>}      The updated User, or null if the value was invalid.
async deduct(value = 1)


Accessed through mythacri.crafting.

 * Return whether an item can have runes on it.
 * @param {Item5e} item
 * @returns {boolean}

 * Get the resource identifier from a loot-type item, e.g., 'monster.celestial.eye' or 'gem.ruby'.
 * @param {Item} item         The item with the identifier.
 * @returns {string|null}     The proper identifier, or null if invalid or not applicable.

 * Is this resource identifier valid?
 * @param {string} id                         A string id, usually of the form `monster.celestial.eye`.
 * @param {boolean} [allowWildCard=true]      Is the wildcard token `*` allowed?
 * @returns {boolean}
validIdentifier(id, {allowWildCard = true} = {})

 * Get a human-readable label from a resource identifier.
 * @param {string} id
 * @returns {string}


Accessed through mythacri.encounter.

  * Factory method to render this application and apply a hook.
  * @returns {Encounter}      The rendered Encounter application.

Awarding pips and currencies

Accessed through mythacri.award.

 * Award all player-owned character-type actors with pips.
 * @param {object} [options]                Options to modify the awarding.
 * @param {boolean} [options.assigned]      Whether to restrict to assigned actors.
 * @param {number} [options.amount]         The amount of pips to grant.
 * @param {boolean} [options.each]          Whether to grant this amount to each, or split them.
 * @returns {Promise<void>}
async grantPip({assigned = false, amount = null, each = true} = {})
 * Award all player-owned character-type actors with marbles.
 * @param {object} [options]                Options to modify the awarding.
 * @param {boolean} [options.assigned]      Whether to restrict to assigned actors.
 * @param {number} [options.amount]         The amount to grant.
 * @param {boolean} [options.each]          Whether to grant this amount to each, or split them.
 * @returns {Promise<void>}
async grantMarbles({assigned = false, amount = null, each = false} = {})


Accessed through any character type actor, the new async method Actor5e#fullRest prompts for taking a full rest, restoring all of an actor's resources.

 * Render a prompt to recover all expended resources. Added to actor prototype.
 * @returns {Promise<object>}     A promise that resolves to the result of the full rest.
async fullRestDialog()


Accessed through mythacri.resource.

 * Factory method to create an instance of this application for several actors.
 * @param {Actor5e|Actor5e[]} [actors]      An actor or array of actors.
 * @returns {void}
create(actors = [])


Accessed through mythacri.soundboard.

 * Destroy the current soundboard, otherwise create and show a new one.
 * @returns {void}