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Spatial-Spectral Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Denoising

Miaoyu Li, Ying Fu, Yulun Zhang, "Spatial-Spectral Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Denoising", AAAI, 2023

[paper(arXiv)] [supplementary material]

Abstract: Hyperspectral image (HSI) denoising is a crucial preprocessing procedure for subsequent HSI applications. Unfortunately, though witnessing the development of deep learning in HSI denoising area, existing convolution-based methods face the trade-off between computational efficiency and capability to model non-local characteristics of HSI. In this paper, we propose a Spatial-Spectral Transformer (SST) to alleviate this problem. To fully explore intrinsic similarity characteristics in both spatial dimension and spectral dimension, we conduct non-local spatial self-attention and global spectral self-attention with Transformer architecture. The window-based spatial self-attention focuses on the spatial similarity beyond neighboring region. While, spectral self-attention exploits the long-range dependencies between highly correlative bands. Experimental results show that our proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art HSI denoising methods in quantitative quality and visual results.

Network Architecture


git clone
cd SST
pip install -r requirements.txt


1. Prepare Dataset

2. Models

3. Traning and Tetsting

4. Results

5. Citations

Prepare Dataset

All the testing data are avalibal at Baidu Disk code:azx0.

Due to the space limitation, we only provide some examples of testing data in Google Driver.

You can also generate testing samples by yourself through utility/

ICVL dataset

  1. generate lmdb dataset for training
python utility/
  1. download the testing data from BaiduDisk or generate them by yourself through
python utility/
python utility/

WDC dataset

The codes for split it to traning, testing, validating are available at utility/ splitWDC(). Run the createDCmall() function in utility/ to generate training lmdb dataset. To generate testing files with noise, replace the srcdir and dstdir in utility/ and run utility/

Urban dataset

  1. Run the create_big_apex_dataset() funtion in utility/ to generate training samples.

  2. Run the createDCmall() function in utility/ to generate training lmdb dataset.

  3. Run the create_Urban_test() function in utility/ to generate testing samples.


Task Method Params (M) Dataset Checkpoints
Gaussian noise SST 4.10 ICVL GoogleDriver
Complex noise SST 4.10 ICVL GoogleDriver
Gaussian noise SST 22.69 Washington DC Mall GoogleDriver
Complex noise SST 22.69 Washington DC Mall GoogleDriver
Real noise SST 22.76 Urban GoogleDriver

Training and Testing

Training on ICVL dataset

#for gaussian noise
python -a sst -p sst_gaussian -b 8 

#for comlpex noise
python -a sst -p sst_gaussian -b 8 

Testing on ICVL dataset

#For guassian noise. The corresponding results are shown in Table 1 of the main paper.
python -a sst -p sst_gaussian -r -rp checkpoints/checkpoints_gaussian.pth  --testdir  /data/HSI_Data/icvl_noise_50/512_10_70/

#For complex noise. The corresponding results are shown in Table 2 of the main paper.
python -a sst -p sst_complex -r -rp checkpoints/checkpoints_complex.pth --testdir  /data/HSI_Data/icvl_noise_50/512_noniid/

Training on Wdc dataset

#For gaussian noise. 
python -a sst_wdc -p sst_gaussian -b 8 

#For comlpex noise.  
python -a sst_wdc -p sst_gaussian -b 8 

Testing on Wdc dataset

#For guassian noise. The corresponding results are shown in Table 4 of the supplementary material.
python -a sst_wdc -p sst_gaussian -r -rp checkpoints/wdc_gaussian.pth --testdir /data/HSI_Data/Hyperspectral_Project/WDC_noise/fixed/

#For complex noise. The corresponding results are shown in Table 4 of the supplementary material.
python -a sst_wdc -p sst_complex -r -rp checkpoints/wdc_complex.pth --testdir /data/HSI_Data/Hyperspectral_Project/WDC_noise/mix/

Training for real dataset

python -a sst_urban -p sst_gaussian -b 8 

Testing on real dataset

#The corresponding results are shown in Figure 6 of the main paper.
python -a sst_urban -p sst_urban -r -rp checkpoints/urban_real.pth 


Experiments are performed on different datasetas, including ICVL dataset (Gaussian noise and Complex noise), Washington DC Mall (Gaussian noise and Complex noise), and Urban dataset.

Gaussian noise on ICVL dataset (click to expand)
Complex noise on ICVL dataset (click to expand)
Real data Denoising (click to expand)
Denoising on Washington DC Mall (click to expand)


If you find the code helpful in your resarch or work, please cite the following paper(s).

    title={Spatial-Spectral Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Denoising},
    author={Li, Miaoyu and Fu, Ying and Zhang, Yulun},