Myzel394 / jsonfly.nvim

β΄πŸ¦‹β΅ Fly through your JSON / XML / YAML files with ease. Search ✨ blazingly fast ✨ for keys via Telescope.
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Fly through your JSON, XML and YAML files with ease. Search ✨ blazingly fast ✨ for keys via Telescope, navigate through your JSON structure with ease, and insert deeply nested keys without fear.

json(fly) is a Telescope extension that will show you all keys (including nested ones) in your JSON (or XML or YAML) files and allow you to search and jump to them quickly. It's completely customizable and even supports highlighting of the values.



Install with your favorite plugin manager, for example with lazy.nvim:

    dependencies = {
        -- "Myzel394/easytables.nvim",
        -- "Myzel394/telescope-last-positions",
        -- Other dependencies
        -- ..

Here's how I load it with lazy.nvim with lazy-loading and <leader>j as the keymap :)

    dependencies = {
    keys = {
            "<cmd>Telescope jsonfly<cr>",
            desc = "Open json(fly)",
            ft = { "json", "xml", "yaml" },
            mode = "n"

Load the extension with:



Go to a JSON file and run:

:Telescope jsonfly

Now you can search for keys, subkeys, part of keys etc.

Inserting Keys

JSON(fly) supports inserting your current search prompt into your buffer.

If you search for a key that doesn't exist you can add it to your buffer by pressing <C-a> (CTRL + a).

You can enter nested keys, arrays, indices, subkeys etc. JSON(fly) will automatically manage everything for you.

The following schemas are valid:

Please note: JSON(fly) is intended to be used with human-readable JSON files. Inserting keys won't work with minified JSON files.

See also


Edit jsonfly like any other Telescope extension:

require"telescope".setup {
    extensions = {
        jsonfly = {
            -- Your configuration here

Please see jsonfly.lua for the default configuration. The first comment in the file contains a list of all available options.

Example: Vertical layout

require"telescope".setup {
    extensions = {
        jsonfly = {
            mirror = true,
            layout_strategy = "vertical",
            layout_config = {
                mirror = true,
                preview_height = 0.65,
                prompt_position = "top",
            key_exact_length = true

Example: Horizontal layout

require"telescope".setup {
    extensions = {
        jsonfly = {
            layout_strategy = "horizontal",
            prompt_position = "top",
            layout_config = {
                mirror = false,
                prompt_position = "top",
                preview_width = 0.45

Example: Waterfall keys

require"telescope".setup {
    extensions = {
        jsonfly = {
            subkeys_display = "waterfall"
