MzeroMiko / mamba-mini

An efficient pytorch implementation of selective scan in one file, works with both cpu and gpu, with corresponding mathematical derivation. It is probably the code which is the most close to selective_scan_cuda in mamba.
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efficient mamba pytorch selective-scan


An efficient implementation of selective scan in one file, works with both cpu and gpu, with corresponding mathematical derivation. It is probably the code which is the most close to selective_scan_cuda in mamba.


mathematical derivation to chunk-naive version

code is in selective_scan_easy and SelectiveScanEasy. image

mathematical derivation to chunk-parallel version

This is the chunk parallel version of selective scan, with support to some different branches. code is in selective_scan_easyv3. image image image image

naive code

import torch
def selective_scan_easy(us, dts, As, Bs, Cs, Ds, delta_bias=None, delta_softplus=False, return_last_state=False, chunksize=64):
    # B: batch_size, G: groups, D: dim, N: state dim, L: seqlen
    us: B, G * D, L 
    dts: B, G * D, L
    As: G * D, N
    Bs: B, G, N, L
    Cs: B, G, N, L
    Ds: G * D
    delta_bias: G * D
    # chunksize can be any as you like. But as the chunksize raises, hs may get None, as exp(sum(delta) A) is really small
    def selective_scan_chunk(us, dts, As, Bs, Cs, hprefix):
        partial(h) / partial(t) = Ah + Bu; y = Ch + Du;
        => partial(h*exp(-At)) / partial(t) = Bu*exp(-At);
        => h_t = h_0 + sum_{0}_{t}_{Bu*exp(A(t-v)) dv};
        => h_b = exp(A(dt_a + ... + dt_{b-1})) * (h_a + sum_{a}_{b-1}_{Bu*exp(-A(dt_a + ... + dt_i)) dt_i});
           y_i = C_i*h_i + D*u_i
        us, dts: (L, B, G, D) # L is chunk_size
        As: (G, D, N)
        Bs, Cs: (L, B, G, N)
        Ds: (G, D)
        hprefix: (B, G, D, N)
        ts = dts.cumsum(dim=0)
        Ats = torch.einsum("gdn,lbgd->lbgdn", As, ts).exp()
        scale = Ats[-1].detach()
        rAts = Ats / scale
        duts = dts * us
        dtBus = torch.einsum("lbgd,lbgn->lbgdn", duts, Bs)
        hs_tmp = rAts * (dtBus / rAts).cumsum(dim=0) 
        hs = hs_tmp + Ats * hprefix.unsqueeze(0)
        ys = torch.einsum("lbgn,lbgdn->lbgd", Cs, hs) 
        return ys, hs

    inp_dtype = us.dtype
    has_D = Ds is not None

    dts = dts.float()
    if delta_bias is not None:
        dts = dts + delta_bias.view(1, -1, 1).float()
    if delta_softplus:
        dts = torch.nn.functional.softplus(dts)

    if len(Bs.shape) == 3:
        Bs = Bs.unsqueeze(1)
    if len(Cs.shape) == 3:
        Cs = Cs.unsqueeze(1)
    B, G, N, L = Bs.shape
    us = us.view(B, G, -1, L).permute(3, 0, 1, 2).float()
    dts = dts.view(B, G, -1, L).permute(3, 0, 1, 2).float()
    As = As.view(G, -1, N).float()
    Bs = Bs.permute(3, 0, 1, 2).float()
    Cs = Cs.permute(3, 0, 1, 2).float()
    Ds = Ds.view(G, -1).float() if has_D else None
    D = As.shape[1]

    oys = []
    # ohs = []
    hprefix = us.new_zeros((B, G, D, N), dtype=torch.float)
    for i in range(0, L - 1, chunksize):
        ys, hs = selective_scan_chunk(
            us[i:i + chunksize], dts[i:i + chunksize], 
            As, Bs[i:i + chunksize], Cs[i:i + chunksize], hprefix, 
        # ohs.append(hs)
        hprefix = hs[-1]

    oys =, dim=0)
    # ohs =, dim=0)
    if has_D:
        oys = oys + Ds * us
    oys = oys.permute(1, 2, 3, 0).view(B, -1, L)
    oys =
    # hprefix =

    return oys if not return_last_state else (oys, hprefix.view(B, G * D, N))

to test
