N0SO / moqputils

Collection of tools for processing Missouri QSO Party log files. This will replace the csv2cab repository.
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Collection of tools for processing Missouri QSO Party log files. The set has now grown from the single csv2cab utility to an entire suite of utilities that was used to score the 2019 Missouri QSO Party. Expanded utilities include:

  1. csv2cab- The original CSV to CABRILLO utility.

    • The BEARS-STL provide a spreadsheet template useful for logging contacts during the Missouri QSO Party. The form may be downloaded from our website: http://w0ma.org/index.php/missouri-qso-party. It is also in this repository. This is the original utility that converts that Missouri QSO Party Excel logging form MOQP_log.xls to a Cabrillo file ready for submission.
  2. loadlogs - Load logfiles into a MySQL database.

    • The Log header is read and recorded a table logheaders, then QSOs from the log are read into a QSOs table. This will allow the additional utilities to do things like validate QSOs and generate contest wide stats.
  3. qsocheck - Check all QSOs in the MySQL database QSO table for validity.

    • Also checks for a corrosponding QSO with the other station. The QOS will be marked VALID if all QSO checks pass, or the reason the qsochecker thinks it is invalid will be recoreded. Does the date/time match the defined contest period? Is the band valid? Is the mode valid? Callsigns valid? Signal report valid for mode?
  4. mqpcategory - Utilities to summarize and categorize logs.

    • A single log or set of logs using data from the database, or directly from the logfiles. Database SUMMARY table, bonus points and summary stats for the station are updated if run on the database.
  5. mqpcertificates - Utilities to score SHOWME / MISSOURI awards.

    • Build the database SHOWME and MISSOURI award tables. Al list of those who qulaify for special certificates SPELL SHOW ME and MISSOURI. Database SHOWME and MISSOURI tables are updated.
  6. mqpreports - Utilities to generate CSV reports.

    • For review, processing, publishing. These only use data from the database summary tables.
  7. mqplabels - Utilities to create CSV files for labels and awards.

    • Reports that will contain PLACEMENT, AWARD NAME, STATION, OPERATORS, NAME, ADDRESS, EMAIL, etc. These may be used in a spreadsheet to create First and Second Place award, SHOWME, MISSOURI certificates and mailing/ shipping lables.

This suite is python based, it will run on any platform that supports python V3.x (currently using 3.6) and MySQL. It requires the python3 MySQL and requests libraries packages. These are probably already installed in most Linux distrobutions. They should be available for Windows 10 and MacOS. You can also install VirtualBox and run Linux under Windows 10 or MacOS. The suite was developed on a Fedora Linux system, version 30. But we have also had success running it under Windows 10 (with a Linux based MySQO database on the same LAN).

It's first application was scoring the 2019 Missouri QSO Party.

See the INSTALLATION and USAGE Guide in the shared/docs folder for information regarding setup and use of the utilities.

V1.0.0 Initial release - 2018-04-13