NAK3DDesigns / White-Knight

White Knight Belt Printer
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Claim STL files you want to convert to STEP / Fusion 360 #7

Closed 3d-gussner closed 4 years ago

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

Just an idee: Wouldn't it make sense if people claim ONE STL file at the time they are converting to STEP / Fusion 360? Or making a conversion status list:

STL Part of STL Who Status ETD Info Reviewed
_1-All_BeltClams V2.stl clam nr. 1 @3d-gussner Done 04 april 2019
_1-All_BeltClams V2.stl clam nr. 2 @3d-gussner Done 04 april 2019 same as part 1
_1-All_BeltClams V2.stl clam nr. 3 @NicoSchlueter Done 09 april 2019
_1-All_BeltClams V2.stl clam nr. 4 @NicoSchlueter Done 09 april 2019
1-Belt stepper mount Pt1 V4.stl Just one @EXOgreen Done 05 april 2019 Step added
_1-Belt_stepper_mount_Pt2V3.stl Just one @EXOgreen Done 10 april 2019
1-CBA bottom Cover V3 - part 1of3.stl Just one @dsk001 Done 06 april 2019
1-CBA bottom Cover V3 - part 2of3.stl Just one @dsk001 Done 06 april 2019
1-CBA bottom Cover V3 - part 3of3.stl Just one @dsk001 Done 06 april 2019
1-CBA bottom Cover V3 Full.stl Just one @NicoSchlueter Done 09 april 2019
1-CBA top Cover V5 part 1of3.stl Just one @NicoSchlueter Done 09 april 2019
1-CBA top Cover V5 part 2of3.stl Just one @NicoSchlueter Done 09 april 2019
1-CBA top Cover V5 part 3of3.stl Just one @NicoSchlueter Done 09 april 2019
1-CBA top Cover V5.stl Just one @NicoSchlueter Done 09 april 2019
_1-CBA_slide_tray_assemblyv11.stl Just one @NicoSchlueter Done 09 april 2019
1-Cooling fan Ducts v4.stl left one @EXOgreen Done 09 apr 2019
1-Cooling fan Ducts v4.stl right one @EXOgreen Done 09 apr 2019
_1-Display_SupportEndcaps.stl short one @reFlex-lab @NicoSchlueter Done 09 april 2019
_1-Display_SupportEndcaps.stl wide one @reFlex-lab @NicoSchlueter Done 09 april 2019
1-Mosquito & E3Dv6 Mount V7.stl Just one @ianespana Done 10 april 2019
1-Mosquito & E3Dv6 clamp and cooling fan mount V4.stl Just one @ianespana Done 10 april 2019
_1-PanelDue7imount.stl Just one @ianespana Done 10 april 2019
1-Peeler.stl Just one_ @3d-gussner Done 10 april 2019
_1-Rear_Idler_RightV5.stl Just one @ianespana Done 10 april 2019
_1-Rear_Idler_leftV4.stl Just one @ianespana Done 10 april 2019
_1-Side_Support_Top_Brace_LeftV2.stl Just one @3d-gussner Done 10 april 2019
_1-Side_Support_Top_Brace_RightV2.stl Just one @3d-gussner Done 10 april 2019
_1-Stepper_Mount_LeftV9.stl Just one @NicoSchlueter Done 10 april 2019
_1-Stepper_Mount_RightV9.stl Just one @NicoSchlueter Done 10 april 2019
1-hotend wire cover V3.stl Just one @NicoSchlueter Done 10 april 2019
_1-hotend_carriagev6.stl Just one @NicoSchlueter Done 10 april 2019
1-plug mount.stl large part @paulbuzzby Done 10 april 2019
1-plug mount.stl small part @paulbuzzby Done 10 april 2019
1-slide tray end cover v4.stl Just one @3d-gussner Done 10 april 2019
1-tensioner mount bracket.stl Just one @NicoSchlueter Done 10 april 2019
_1-Xaxis_Mount_LeftV11.stl Just one @3d-gussner PR 14 april 2019
_1-Xaxis_Mount_RightV10.stl Just one @3d-gussner Done 11 april 2019
_10-Bowden_Cable_ClipV1.stl Just one @3d-gussner Done 08 april 2019 @eddie-moser
2-4080 c-beam endcap V5.stl Just one @NicoSchlueter Done 10 april 2019
2-4080 c-beam endcap wider v1.stl Just one @NicoSchlueter Done 10 april 2019
_2-RollerInsert v1 Just one @eddie-moser Done 06 april 2019
_2-Side_Support_BottomBrace.stl Just one @NicoSchlueter Done 10 april 2019
_3-Pulley_Bearing_MountV2.stl Just one @NicoSchlueter Done 10 april 2019
_4-Roller_EndCap v2.stl Just one @eddie-moser Done 06 april 2019
switch enclosure V4.stl Just one @NicoSchlueter Done 10 april 2019

This way we could prevent double conversions and hopefully get it done faster.

What do you think?

NAK3DDesigns commented 5 years ago

I love the idea, but I know about as much about GitHub as I do about Fusion.. lol I'm just a little out of my element..

dsk001 commented 5 years ago

I will start working on the Belt stepper mount Pt1 V4.stl

NAK3DDesigns commented 5 years ago

I will start working on the Belt stepper mount Pt1 V4.stl

Please check the fusion 360 folder in the development branch before selecting files till we get a better system in place. I do believe that the Belt Stepper Mount Pt1 V4 has already been done.

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

@NAK3DDesigns As github Owner you can edit this issue and update the claims. As you like the idea, I will try to update as often I can the claims. Starting by adding existing claims and all files to be converted.

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

I will start working on the Belt stepper mount Pt1 V4.stl

@dsk001 any ETD or Info i can add to your claim?

There is already a version

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

@NAK3DDesigns added a column Reviewed, so you can say if it is done or need some rework.

EXOgreen commented 5 years ago

I've got cooling ducts v4 left and therefore right as well

dsk001 commented 5 years ago

@3d-gussner since it is already done, I didn't do it. No use duplicating work already done.

NAK3DDesigns commented 5 years ago

Thanks everyone, bare with me if it takes me a bit to get a rhythm going I’m still learning how to use Github but I don’t want to slow you guys down.

reFlex-lab commented 5 years ago

I guys, I'm totally New to github actually i came because of this project. But i am really good at fusion 360. I would like to help. how Can I do that ?

EXOgreen commented 5 years ago

@reFlex-lab the way I have found to work with this (also new here) is to fork this github repository. This creates an exact copy of the repository under your account. Once you have a file that you gave recreated in fusion, upload both the .F3D and .STEP files to the development branch of your repository (so the parts can be tested before being sent to the master). You can then make a push request to this projects development branch that includes your updated files. Don't have to time right now to write up a detailed description of where all the buttons are but hopefully this gets you started!

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

I guys, I'm totally New to github actually i came because of this project. But i am really good at fusion 360. I would like to help. how Can I do that ?

Claim here a part with ETD if possible

On Windows you can install git-bash

To update your git repository with the root one:

To work on new part:

Create a Pull request

Having individual worktrees prevents pull/push/merge issues

Hope that helps

reFlex-lab commented 5 years ago

@3d-gussner Thank you for the detailed description.

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

Updated the git commands... Claimed 10-Bowden_Cable_Clip_V1.stl created Pull Request for Fusion360 archive and STEP files, would be great if somebody could review it before it is merged

Sorry that i choose a simple one :-)

ianespana commented 5 years ago

Count me in! I can make Solidworks files (I know F360 but get around much better in SW), however the STEP format should suffice, unless anyone has issues with that? I'll take: Mosquito & E3Dv6 Mount V7.stl Mosquito & E3Dv6 clamp and cooling fan mount V4.stl

EXOgreen commented 5 years ago

Fan ducts are done and pushed, parametrics in the F3D file are kinda shit though >.> I'll take Belt stepper mount Pt2 V3 now.

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

Count me in! I can make Solidworks files (I know F360 but get around much better in SW), however the STEP format should suffice, unless anyone has issues with that? I'll take: Mosquito & E3Dv6 Mount V7.stl Mosquito & E3Dv6 clamp and cooling fan mount V4.stl

Welcome, Fusion 360 archive files are preferred as most users can use it for free and we can change sketches if needed. @ianespana Claim added

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

Fan ducts are done and pushed, parametrics in the F3D file are kinda shit though >.> I'll take Belt stepper mount Pt2 V3 now.

@EXOgreen Claim added

reFlex-lab commented 5 years ago

I will Start with 1-Display_Support_Endcaps.stl

paulbuzzby commented 5 years ago

I'd like to help out with some of the conversions. I'm distinctly average at fusion but should be able to help. What is the process people are using to do the conversion?

phossystems commented 5 years ago

1-All_Belt_Clams V2.stl clamp nr.3 & 1-All_Belt_Clams V2.stl clamp nr.4

claimed, done, and pull-requested.

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

I'd like to help out with some of the conversions. I'm distinctly average at fusion but should be able to help. What is the process people are using to do the conversion?

@paulbuzzby Just download the Fusion360 archives and you can see the different approaches. Here is how i normally start:

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

@reFlex-lab and @NicoSchlueter claims added

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

Sorry hit the wrong button :-)

phossystems commented 5 years ago

1-CBA bottom Cover V3 Full.stl & 1-CBA top Cover V5 part 1of3.stl & 1-CBA top Cover V5 part 2of3.stl & 1-CBA top Cover V5 part 3of3.stl & 1-CBA top Cover V5.stl & 1-CBA_slide_tray_assembly_v11.stl & 1-Display_Support_Endcaps.stl short one & 1-Display_Support_Endcaps.stl long one

Claimed, Done, and should be added automatically to my previous pull request.

Whops, didn't see that @reFlex-lab wanted the Display Endcaps, Sorry!

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

@NicoSchlueter just saw it thanks also updated the list

@reFlex-lab If your are close to finish just make a PR we can then see which design is "nicer"

As we cannot update all claims as they come in, maybe it is a good idea to see if somebody already claimed it by searching the comments here.

phossystems commented 5 years ago

I would like to claim: 2-4080 c-beam endcap V5.stl 2-4080 c-beam endcap wider v1.stl 2-Side_Support_Bottom_Brace.stl 3-Pulley_Bearing_Mount_V2.stl switch enclosure V4.stl

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

I am amazed that in less than a week we already got 29 claims and results of 44 todo's.

You guys are awesome, love the community!

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

I would like to claim: 2-4080 c-beam endcap V5.stl 2-4080 c-beam endcap wider v1.stl 2-Side_Support_Bottom_Brace.stl 3-Pulley_Bearing_Mount_V2.stl switch enclosure V4.stl

@NicoSchlueter Man you are on a run :-) Can you please create a different github worktree and PR, otherwise your PR maybe in review and then it is being updated with new designs. This way we can give others time to review a PR one by one

And updated list

phossystems commented 5 years ago

Can you please create a different github worktree and PR, otherwise your PR maybe in review and then it is being updated with new designs. This way we can give others time to review a PR one by one

I will try to do that, will have to look up how to do that thou.

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago


phossystems commented 5 years ago

2-4080 c-beam endcap V5.stl 2-4080 c-beam endcap wider v1.stl 2-Side_Support_Bottom_Brace.stl 3-Pulley_Bearing_Mount_V2.stl switch enclosure V4.stl

Done and I figured the tree-thing out. Didn't read that initially since it started with "On windows", Sorry. Please delete the initial pull request, everything has now been separated into many requests.

phossystems commented 5 years ago

I would like to claim 1-hotend_carriage_v6.stl

Could you tell me what thread that is?

ianespana commented 5 years ago

Completed Mosquito & E3DV6 Mount V7,

But man, this "Mosquito & E3Dv6 clamp and cooling fan mount V4" piece is being a bi***! The angles are really weird, xD

Anyway, I'd like to tackle "1-PanelDue7i_mount.stl" next

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

Updated list added claims @NicoSchlueter & @ianespana .

11 of 44 left to convert.

I claim 1-Peeler.stl :-)

paulbuzzby commented 5 years ago

I'd like to claim the Plug Mount

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

I'd like to claim the Plug Mount

@paulbuzzby Added claim to large and short 1-plug mount.stl

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

I claim 1-slide tray end cover v4.stl

phossystems commented 5 years ago

1-hotend_carriage_v6 almost done, just need to know what thread that is.

phossystems commented 5 years ago

I claim: 1-Stepper_Mount_Left_V9.stl 1-Stepper_Mount_Right_V9.stl 1-hotend wire cover V3.stl 1-tensioner mount bracket.stl

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

hotend_carriage_v6 can it be the 3/8 PTFE, and fittings???

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

Last chance to claim last 2 of 44:

1-Rear_Idler_Right_V5.stl 1-Rear_Idler_left_V4.stl

I claim 1-Side_Support_Top_Brace_Left_V2.stl 1-Side_Support_Top_Brace_Right_V2.stl

ianespana commented 5 years ago

Give me those, 😄

1-Rear_Idler_Right_V5.stl 1-Rear_Idler_left_V4.stl

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

So it is nearly done

I guess next step is to review all files and tine tune them. So weird angles are removed. Maybe optimized for 3d printing ....

Let's see what @NAK3DDesigns want us to do next :-)

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

Give me those, 😄

1-Rear_Idler_Right_V5.stl 1-Rear_Idler_left_V4.stl

@ianespana Added claim...

ianespana commented 5 years ago

What I suspect we'll have to do is make the assembly in CAD, and then adjust all models so they fit together properly. I'm willing to do that

3d-gussner commented 5 years ago

@ianespana I was planing to do the same :-) as we have nearly all Fusion360 files

NAK3DDesigns commented 5 years ago

I guess just let me know when you think the files are ready for me to print and test fit as I won’t publish them to the Master till I have test printed them.

ianespana commented 5 years ago

@NAK3DDesigns @3d-gussner ETA 1 hour, maybe a tad bit less. Working on the last piece

ianespana commented 5 years ago

@NAK3DDesigns @3d-gussner Done, pull request added