NASA-IMPACT / edl-credential-rotation

Rotate Cumulus Distribution Endpoint S3 Credentials using Earth Data Login
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AWS stack to update another Lambda's environment settings with new Cumulus Distribution API temporary S3 credentials every 30 minutes.


Environment Settings

$ export STACKNAME=<Name of your stack>
$ export PROJECT=<The project name for resource cost tracking>
$ export LAMBDA=<The Arn of the Lambda that will receive new S3 Credentials>
$ export USERNAME=<A valid Earth Data Login user name>
$ export PASSWORD=<A valid Earth Data Login password>

CDK Commands


Display generated cloud formation template that will be used to deploy.

$ tox -e dev -r -- synth


Display a diff of the current deployment and any changes created.

$ tox -e dev -r -- diff || true


Deploy current version of stack.

$ tox -e dev -r -- deploy


For active stack development run

$ tox -e dev -r -- version

This creates a local virtualenv in the directory devenv. To use it for development

$ source devenv/bin/activate

Then run the following to install the project's pre-commit hooks

$ pre-commit install


To run unit test for all included Lambda functions

tox -r