NCAR / 2014-EarthCube-BuildingBlocks-EnablingCollaboration-14402930

EarthCube Building Blocks Grant Enabling Scientific Collaboration NSF#1440293
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EOL: Acquire ORCiDs for Bering Sea Researchers #3

Closed daniels303 closed 6 years ago

daniels303 commented 7 years ago

Have a list in Michaeleen's spreadsheet, ORCiDs are now required to submit data to the Arctic Data Center. Should be able to either take them off of the spreadsheet or find them via search.

daniels303 commented 7 years ago

Mike can search for existing ORCiDs and update the spreadsheet.

daniels303 commented 6 years ago

Spent about 1.5 hours searching for ORCiDs for about 30 researchers.

I did not find ORCiDs for: Aydin | Kerim Bailey | Kevin Cokelet | Ned Dalton | Michael DeRobertis | Alex Fall | Jim Farley | Ed Friday | Nancy Hollowed | Anne Irons | David Jay | Chad Kitaysky | Sasha Kruse | Sarah Kruse | Gordon Laurel | Ben Lauth | Bob Napp | Jeff Noongwook | George Renner | Heather Sepez | Jennifer Moran | Brad Bond | Nicholas

I found and verified ORCiDs for these researchers: Clapham | Phil: Ianelli | James: Kuletz | Kathy: Barbeaux | Steven:

and I found but could not verify ORCiDs for these researchers: Trites | Andrew: Zerbini | Alex: Heppell | Scott:

The following researchers had common names which made it difficult to find a valid ORCiD for them, if they had one: Wilson | Chris Campbell | Robert

Based on the time spent for these ~ 30 researchers, I consider this issue a fairly time-intensive, "last mile" sort of project. We should discuss the feasibility and cost of doing a manual search in this way. There are about 74 researchers left to search for.

daniels303 commented 6 years ago

Hee has some ORCiDs that may not be in the spreadsheet I have. He will forward this list to me so that I can remove them from the search. Here is the spreadsheet I'm working from.

daniels303 commented 6 years ago

Hee sent me the spreadsheet and I verified that there was only one ORCiD that was not accounted for - Lee Cooper.

daniels303 commented 6 years ago

Finished the search.

ORCiDs were found and verified for: Hedström Kate Sambrotto Raymond Wu Jingfeng Aguilar-Islas Ana Rynearson Tatiana Smith Sharon

ORCiDs were found but NOT verified for: Frey Karen Fu Hongli Holsman Kirstin Jimmy Michael Lovvorn James Rember Robert

The following researchers had names that were common and led to multiple ORCiDs: Brown Caroline

The following researchers did not have contact information which meant finding ORCiDs for them was not possible: Casas Maria

All others in the spreadsheet did not have ORCiDs.

The full color-coded spreadsheet is here.

daniels303 commented 6 years ago

Next the EMDAC and VIVO databases need to be updated with these newly found ORCiDs. This task will be assigned to Hee.

heesuchang commented 6 years ago

EMDAC and VIVO databases have been updated with the new ORCiDs and have been "confirmed" for each profile in VIVO.