NCAR / 2014-EarthCube-BuildingBlocks-EnablingCollaboration-14402930

EarthCube Building Blocks Grant Enabling Scientific Collaboration NSF#1440293
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EarthCube Building Blocks : Enabling Scientific Collaboration

EarthCube Building Blocks: Collaborative Grant: Enabling Scientific Collaboration and Discovery through Semantic Connections NSF#1440293


EarthCube Project Space

Some of the relevant information for this project can be found on the EarthCube Project Space.

GitHub Wiki (for this repo)

The wiki will be used for project/code related items. This information may one day become public and usable by others.

Web App Source Code

EarthCollab is developing customized implementations of the VIVO semantic web application. UNAVCO:

Google Drive Shared Folder

The shared drive is used for shared project assets.