NCAR / 2014-EarthCube-BuildingBlocks-EnablingCollaboration-14402930

EarthCube Building Blocks Grant Enabling Scientific Collaboration NSF#1440293
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EOL: Install latest version of VIVO, fix any errors that pop up #5

Closed daniels303 closed 6 years ago

daniels303 commented 7 years ago

Should be worked on by Ted and John.

jja commented 7 years ago

Not Ted but Don could work on this if he wanted/has time...

jja commented 7 years ago

To clarify: the point of my last comment is that Ted should not be tasked with the upgrade, but if Don is available then he is an alternative to me.

The point of the reference from #12 is that upgrading should resolve #12 .

dwstott commented 7 years ago

Will look into what will be involved/affected next week.

dwstott commented 7 years ago

Should be able to upgrade to v1.9.1 with configuration and Maven changes, without doing a complete reinstall. Am checking this out on wombat-dev.

dwstott commented 7 years ago

1.9.2 vivo running on for testing

heesuchang commented 6 years ago

We will be upgrading to version 1.9.3, which is the last 1.9.X version.

dwstott commented 6 years ago

Configuration changes made. In process of updating java and maven on vivo-dev, then will try the first build on testing vm.

dwstott commented 6 years ago

Configurations made to build v1.9.3 with new maven structure and our own Vivo customizations. Have a war file; will test with Tomcat.

heesuchang commented 6 years ago

Version 1.9.3 upgrade of existing code tested and running on Configurations for stage-specific build have been made. Progress tracked on "feature/rel-1.9.3" branch

jja commented 6 years ago

Since this was merged to develop but then broke our deploy of #24, I've fixed it on develop and it's running on

cbsnyder commented 6 years ago

The separating datasets and publications feature #24 has been integrated into the new version of VIVO and merged into the develop branch. This is now running on the dev instance

cbsnyder commented 6 years ago

Worked with John to fix a small VIVO submodule reference problem that I created by mistake. The cleaned up version of develop has been deployed to

dwstott commented 6 years ago

updated to 1.9.3

dwstott commented 6 years ago

updated prod vivo to v1.9.3