NCAR / CTSM-Tutorial

CTSM Tutorial Materials
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Welcome to the NEON-NCAR Main Tutorial Repository

Jupyter Build

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Numerous versions of this tutorial can be found in this repository's branches.

The materials and notebooks in this tutorial is published as a Jupyter book here.

This repository includes materials for tutorials such as the Community Terrestrial Systems Model (CTSM) 2022 mini-tutorial (link to agenda and resources).

These tutorials are designed as an introduction to running the Community Terrestrial Systems Model (CTSM). We will go through three configurations that include running a:

  1. Supported NEON tower site,
  2. Global FATES-SP simulation, and
  3. Generic single point simulation.

We'll also learn how to:

This video will walk you through the initial steps of the tutorial, but the steps for quick start are also summarized below.

Watch the video

The full set of lectures from the tutorial can be found here, and will be posted after the tutorial.

Quick Start

Step 1: Open up CESM-Lab

Step 2: Clone CTSM Tutorial Repository

Screen Shot 2022-05-17 at 2 05 32 AM

git clone

This gives you a local copy of the material you'll need for the tutorial

Can you see a new directory on your navigation sidebar called CTSM-Tutorial? (See the left sidebar of your JupyterLab window) Screen Shot 2022-05-17 at 4 46 13 PM

Step 3: Navigate to notebooks directory

Notebook Table of Contents (Note: see individual section files for more details on each section)

📚 Resources

CTSM Repository which includes the CTSM Wiki page that has lots of resources, including much of the following:

CLM5 Overview Paper Lawrence et al. 2019 JAMES

CLM5 Diagnostic plots, from the overview paper.

CLM5 ILAMB page, also from the overview paper.

❓ Questions

For questions about running simulations, please use DiscussCESM Forums:

Containers & Cloud Platforms Forum

CTSM Forum

👍 Acknowledgements

A number of people have been critical to this effort, including:

This material is based upon work supported by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), which is a major facility sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Cooperative Agreement No. 1852977. Staff time on this project was also supported by NSF award numbers 2039932, 2031238, 1926413, and 2120804.