NCAR / music-box-interactive-api

User interface for the MusicBox box/column model
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 2 forks source link

MusicBox Interactive API Server


User interface for the MusicBox box/column model

Configure, run, and plot results for the MusicBox model, and edit chemical mechanisms.

Build and run

Local installation

Install dependencies

poetry install

If you want to include pypartmc

poetry install --extras "pypartmc"


All configuration is handled by docker files and docker compose. First navigate to the project directory.

To build

docker compose build

To run

docker compose up

You can press CTRL-C to quite docker compose.

Docker-compose will cache file builds and volumes. If you make a change and you want to see it reflected, run the below command and it should rebuild the server code.

docker compose down -v \
    && docker compose build \
    && docker compose up --force-recreate

If you need to remove absolutely everything

docker compose down -v --rmi all \
    && docker system prune \
    && docker compose build --no-cache \
    && docker compose up --force-recreate -d

If you would like to run docker in a deteched state, add the -d flag like this

docker compose up -d

If you would like to view the logs after starting docker in a detach state, you can do so like this

docker compose logs -f
docker compose stop model-runner && docker compose build --no-cache model-runner && docker compose up --force-recreate --renew-anon-volumes -d model-runner

One at a time

You can also bring down only one of the docker images and rebuild from scratch if you wish

docker compose stop model-runner && docker compose build --no-cache model-runner && docker compose up --force-recreate -d model-runner
docker compose stop status-listener && docker compose build --no-cache status-listener && docker compose up --force-recreate -d status-listener
docker compose stop api-server && docker compose build --no-cache api-server && docker compose up --force-recreate -d api-server

Web Files

This repository is only the API server for MusicBox Interactive. If you wish to run the web files, head over to music-box-interactive-client

RabbitMQ Admin

After running docker compose up -d you can navigate to the RabbitMQ http://localhost:15672 admin interface to monitor the queues. The username is guest and the password is guest.