NCAR / rda-image-archive-dev

Obsolete development code for the RDA image archive. Replaced by `rda-image-archive`.
MIT License
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This repository has contains developmental code that has been obsoleted by


The software in this repository has three main tasks to accomplish:

  1. To gather images into (at least) one repository.
  2. To establish a common description framework for image metadata.
  3. To provide bulk, programmatic access to image subsets.

To this end, this repository contains

This repository does not yet contain the following features:


I wrote this schema to capture the (rich) meteorological metadata available for (19th and 20th century) marine logbooks and to support (at least) two users: Kevin Wood (NOAA/UW.) and Philip Brohan (UK Met Office).

We'll now minimize details and abstract that schema I prepared for Wood and Brohan into a "lite" version.

arc | archive
pla | platform
doc | document
img | image
obs | observation

There are these (functional) dependencies

arc   pla
   \ /

This Hasse diagram indicates, e.g.,

  1. The table arc provides a required foreign key for records of the table doc.
  2. The table img has a required foreign key for records of the table obs.
  3. Each record in the table obs requires the foreign key for its unique parent record in img, and so too any unique record in img requires the foreign key for its parent in pla.

In the context of marine logbooks, the rules above specify to these assumptions and constraints:

  1. Each document has an archive.
  2. Each observation is from an image file.
  3. Each image file is a scan of a meteorological document from some platform.

local installation

First, if one has a local mysql installation, I suggest initializing a test database images.

  1. Clone the repository and create a new database.

    git clone 
    # option to pull from the master: sub `ncar` for `coltongrainger`
    cd rda-image-archive 
    mysql -e "create database images"
  2. Create a configuration file mysql_args

    vi mysql_args

    with these three lines:


    (These will be passed as arguments to mysql, see the Makefile.)

  3. Now make the database.


Outline of database schema (as of 2019-07-05)

We expect (at minimum) the following fields to be defined (or NULL, where appropriate) in order to ingest images into the images database.

Run make describe for a fuller description of each field. As of 2019-07-08, the console output reads:

$ mysql --defaults-extra-file=$ mysql_args images -e "describe archive;"
Field   Type    Null    Key     Default Extra
archive_id      smallint(6)     NO      PRI     NULL
name    varchar(100)    NO              NULL
host_country    char(3) NO              NULL
search_url      varchar(255)    YES             NULL
search_documentation    varchar(255)    YES             NULL
api_url varchar(255)    YES             NULL
api_documentation       varchar(255)    YES             NULL
notes   varchar(1000)   YES             NULL
$ mysql --defaults-extra-file=$ mysql_args images -e "describe platform;"
Field   Type    Null    Key     Default Extra
platform_id     smallint(6)     NO      PRI     NULL
name    varchar(255)    NO              NULL
$ mysql --defaults-extra-file=$ mysql_args images -e "describe document;"
Field   Type    Null    Key     Default Extra
document_id     smallint(6)     NO      PRI     NULL
platform_id     smallint(6)     NO      MUL     NULL
archive_id      smallint(6)     NO      MUL     NULL
id_within_archive       varchar(255)    NO              NULL
id_within_archive_type  varchar(255)    NO              NULL
start_date      date    NO              NULL
end_date        date    NO              NULL
contact_person  varchar(255)    YES             NULL
standardized_region_list        set('north_atlantic','south_atlantic','north_pacific','south_pacific','north_indian','south_indian','antarctic','arctic','mediterranean','black_sea','baltic_sea','persian_gulf','red_sea')     YES             NULL
type_of_record  varchar(255)    YES             NULL
rights_statement        varchar(255)    YES             NULL
colloquial_region_list  varchar(1000)   YES             NULL
notes   varchar(1000)   YES             NULL
$ mysql --defaults-extra-file=$ mysql_args images -e "describe image;"
Field   Type    Null    Key     Default Extra
image_id        char(32)        NO      PRI     NULL
document_id     smallint(6)     NO      MUL     NULL
relative_order  int(4)  NO              NULL
media_type      enum('image/bmp','image/gif','image/jp2','image/jpeg','image/png','image/tiff') NO              NULL
filesize        smallint(6)     YES             NULL
$ mysql --defaults-extra-file=$ mysql_args images -e "describe observation;"
Field   Type    Null    Key     Default Extra
observation_id  int(11) NO      PRI     NULL    auto_increment
image_id        char(32)        NO      MUL     NULL
is_cited_by_dataset_id  char(255)       NO              NULL
is_cited_by_dataset_id_type     char(32)        NO              NULL

Outline of database schema (as of 2019-06-25)

Second, to get a handle on the schema designed (as of 2019-06-25) for images, it is perhaps useful to see the output of make describe (one should run this command on their own to see updates to the schema since the time of this document's writing).

Printed here in gory detail, that reads:

mysql --defaults-extra-file=mysql_args images -e "describe archive;"

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
archive_id smallint(6) NO PRI NULL
name varchar(100) NO NULL
host_country char(3) NO NULL
search_url varchar(255) YES NULL
search_documentation varchar(255) YES NULL
api_url varchar(255) YES NULL
api_documentation varchar(255) YES NULL
notes varchar(1000) YES NULL

mysql --defaults-extra-file=mysql_args images -e "describe platform;" (truncated for space ...)

Field Type
platform_id smallint(6)
name varchar(255)
compass_type_of_instrument enum(gyro,magnetic,unknown)
compass_units enum(degrees,cardinal directions)
navigation_speed_type_of_instrument enum(chip log,patent log,pit log,electromagnetic log,propeller rpm)
navigation_speed_units enum(knots,kilometers per second)
scale_used_for_measuring_waves varchar(40)
scale_used_for_wind_speed enum(beaufort,meters per second)
anemometer_instrument_make_and_number varchar(40)
anemometer_instrument_exposure varchar(40)
atmospheric_pressure_units enum(inches,hectopascals,millibars)
atmospheric_pressure_type_of_instrument varchar(40)
atmospheric_pressure_instrument_make_and_number varchar(40)
atmospheric_pressure_instrument_exposure varchar(40)
temperature_units enum(celcius,fahrenheit)
dry_bulb_thermometer_make_and_number varchar(40)
dry_bulb_thermometer_exposure varchar(40)
wet_bulb_thermometer_exposure varchar(40)
wet_bulb_thermometer_make_and_number varchar(40)
sea_temperature_type_of_instrument varchar(40)
sea_temperature_instrument_make_and_number varchar(40)
sea_temperature_instrument_exposure varchar(40)
facility_description varchar(1000)

mysql --defaults-extra-file=mysql_args images -e "describe document;"

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
document_id smallint(6) NO PRI NULL
platform_id smallint(6) NO MUL NULL
archive_id smallint(6) NO MUL NULL
start_date date NO NULL
end_date date NO NULL
relative_id_item varchar(255) NO NULL
relative_id_value varchar(255) NO NULL
marine_region_description varchar(1000) YES NULL
create_date date YES NULL
relative_parent_item varchar(255) YES NULL
relative_parent_value varchar(255) YES NULL

mysql --defaults-extra-file=mysql_args images -e "describe image;"

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
image_id char(32) NO PRI NULL
document_id smallint(6) NO MUL NULL
relative_order int(4) NO NULL
media_subtype enum(bmp,gif,jp2,jpeg,png,tiff) NO NULL
file_size smallint(6) YES NULL
location_description varchar(255) YES NULL
local_start_date date YES NULL
local_start_time time YES 00:00:00
local_time_zone time YES NULL
ut1_start_datetime datetime YES NULL VIRTUAL GENERATED
mime_type varchar(10) YES NULL VIRTUAL GENERATED

mysql --defaults-extra-file=mysql_args images -e "describe observation;"

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
image_id char(32) NO PRI NULL
time_after_image_start time NO PRI NULL
atmospheric_pressure_indicator tinyint(1) YES NULL
dry_bulb_temperature_indicator tinyint(1) YES NULL
wet_bulb_temperature_indicator tinyint(1) YES NULL
unspecified_air_temperature_indicator tinyint(1) YES NULL
sea_temperature_indicator tinyint(1) YES NULL
wind_direction_indicator tinyint(1) YES NULL
wind_speed_indicator tinyint(1) YES NULL
cloud_form_indicator tinyint(1) YES NULL
cloud_direction_indicator tinyint(1) YES NULL
cloud_amount_indicator tinyint(1) YES NULL
longitude float(10,6) YES NULL
latitude float(10,6) YES NULL
location_fix_indicator tinyint(1) YES 0
local_course float(6,3) YES NULL
local_speed float(6,3) YES NULL

Parent-child dependencies

Now, the required fields in the 5 tables above are based on my interpretation of the following parent-child dependencies.

archive   platform
    \     /

In the partially-ordered diagram of tables above, an entry in a lower table depends on metadata from its parent entry in each upper table. For example, an entry in the document table makes foreign key references to parent entries who are defined (at minimum) by the fields

As a result (and of relevance to our immediate use case), to insert metadata for one (binary) image file in the table image (formerly called page), the following parent fields will have had to be previously defined.

Field Comment
archive.archive_id primary key, automatically generated. Archive responsible for "fullest descriptive metadata" of child records, e.g., "The National Archives".
archive.host_country Host country of archive. Format: ISO 3166-1 3-letter country code, e.g., "GBR".
platform.platform_id automatically generated. Name of platform (e.g., a ship or weather station) generating climate documents.
document.document_id primary key, automatically generated.
document.platform_id foreign key, automatically generated.
document.archive_id foreign key, automatically generated.
document.start_date Corresponds roughly to NARA's fileUnit.coverageStartDate field for a given document.
document.end_date Corresponds roughly to NARA's fileUnit.coverageEndDate.
document.relative_id_item Names the field that serves as a document's unique identifier relative to its parent archive. E.g., naId for NARA ID.
document.relative_id_value Valuates the field that serves as the document's unique identifier (relative its parent archive). E.g., 17298664, the NARA ID for the document "Idaho (BB-42) - May, 1944".

Initial database ontology

The assumptions underlying the ontology so far (that is, all tables above and including the table image) are:

The motivations underlying the ontology so far are:

I am open to feedback and criticism with respect to this ontology.

Minimal metadata

Having outlined a suggested installation, and some preliminary justification in support of dependencies chosen for the rda-image-archive's database schema, I would like now to propose a subset of fields that should be required as minimal metadata. We'll start with image files.

Image files

Ignoring surrogate keys (these are generated incrementally), I propose that an image file should be accompanied by, at minimum, the following metadata.

Field Comment
image.image_id 32-char hexidecimal image UUID. Generated during image file import (by removing hyphens from 36-char UUID).
image.relative_order Format: 0000--9999. Describes the order of an image relative to other images in a given document.
image.media_subtype Describes filetype as bmp, gif, jp2, jpeg, png, or tiff.
document.relative_id_item Names the field that serves as a document's unique identifier relative to its parent archive. E.g., naId for NARA ID.
document.relative_id_value Valuates the field that serves as the document's unique identifier (relative its parent archive). E.g., 17298664, the NARA ID for the document "Idaho (BB-42) - May, 1944".
document.start_date Corresponds roughly to NARA's fileUnit.coverageStartDate field for a given document.
document.end_date Corresponds roughly to NARA's fileUnit.coverageEndDate. Name of platform (e.g., a ship or weather station) generating climate documents. Archive responsible for "fullest descriptive metadata" of child records, e.g., "The National Archives".
archive.host_country Host country of archive. Format: ISO 3166-1 3-letter country code, e.g., "GBR".


My initial impression is that an observation record (e.g., a transcription) should be accompanied by the following metadata.

Field Comment
image.image_id foreign key reference
time_after_image_start Format: a non-negative time entered as "HH:MM" (or HHMMSS). Defined as the displacement in hours and minutes from the start of the parent image (explicitly from image.ut1_start_datetime). Note: If image.local_start_time of the parent image takes its default value "00:00:00", then time_after_image_start for an observation would be given by the local time of this observation. If image.local_start_time is nonzero, say, "06:00:00", then an observation made at local time "18:00:00" would have time_after_image_start entered as "12:00" (or 120000).

Understandably, this requirement may be too much to ask for: time_after_image_start could be ill-defined, illegible, incorrect, or only available from deduction. I would appreciate feedback with respect to this level of temporal granularity for the observation table in the database ontology.

Recommended metadata

We proceed to describe the recommended metadata, beginning from the tables archive and platform and working down the child tables.


For archives, given that a document will have an identifier relative to its parent archive, I recommend providing links to the archive's catalog search and the archive's API (if one exists).

Field Description
archive.search_url Link to advanced search provided by archive, e.g., ""
archive.search_documentation Link to documentation for advanced search, e.g., ""
archive.api_url Base URL of API provided by archive, e.g., "".
archive.api_documentation Link to documentation for API provided by archive, e.g., "".


For platforms, my initial recommendation is to include descriptions of meteorological instruments along with unit conventions. However, if either the unit conventions (e.g., degrees vs. cardinal directions) or the instrumentation (e.g., pre- vs. post- gyrocompass) vary with time, then these fields may need to be demoted to the document table.

Field Type
compass_type_of_instrument enum('gyro', 'magnetic', 'unknown')
compass_units enum('degrees', 'cardinal directions')
navigation_speed_type_of_instrument enum('chip log', 'patent log', 'pit log', 'electromagnetic log', 'propeller rpm')
navigation_speed_units enum('knots', 'kilometers per second')
scale_used_for_measuring_waves varchar(40)
scale_used_for_wind_speed enum('beaufort', 'meters per second')
anemometer_instrument_make_and_number varchar(40)
anemometer_instrument_exposure varchar(40)
atmospheric_pressure_units enum('inches', 'hectopascals', 'millibars'),
atmospheric_pressure_type_of_instrument varchar(40)
atmospheric_pressure_instrument_make_and_number varchar(40)
atmospheric_pressure_instrument_exposure varchar(40)
temperature_units enum('celcius', 'fahrenheit')
dry_bulb_thermometer_make_and_number varchar(40)
dry_bulb_thermometer_exposure varchar(40)
wet_bulb_thermometer_exposure varchar(40)
wet_bulb_thermometer_make_and_number varchar(40)
sea_temperature_type_of_instrument varchar(40)
sea_temperature_instrument_make_and_number varchar(40)
sea_temperature_instrument_exposure varchar(40)


For documents, I recommend metadata that refers to what NARA calls the "parent series", i.e., the collection-level class to which a given document belongs. This field is broken into the item and the value, to accommodate for different names^[Perhaps there is a SKOS concept to describe the parent-child relationship at the collection-level?] for the "parent series". I also recommend including a list of place names. This field would enable one to perform a reverse dictionary (fuzzy) search against the REST API, in order to associate documents with boundary polygons. The goal here is to enable queries for records by (fuzzy) georeference (e.g., within a certain radius, or a certain region). Lastly, I recommend a create_date indicating when a document file was created/imported/scanned into its parent archive.

In summary, it is recommended that a document includes metadata for:


For images, I highly recommend including file_size (in bytes) for the sake of providing metadata for users who would like to download images in bulk; this field is not required because it is trivial to deduce file_size programmatically.

Optionally, I recommend the following "fine resolution" metadata. (It has been mentioned that these fields are perhaps "out of scope" of metadata, and should properly be classified as data; nonetheless, I would prefer to provide fields at a fine enough granularity to enable georeferencing.)

Field Type Comment
location_description varchar(255) Colloquial name or description of location. Should be entered verbatim.
local_start_date date Format: "YYYY-MM-DD", or, numerically, YYYYMMDD. Local date at image start.
local_start_time time "00:00:00" comment format: "HH:MM:SS", or, numerically, HHMMSS. Local time at image start. should be entered as a postive value between "00:00" (or 000000) and "23:59" (or 235900).
local_time_zone time Format: should be entered as a signed value between "-12:00" (or -120000) and "12:00" (or 120000). The local timezone at image start is defined to be the (signed) hours and minutes from ut1 solar time to local time. For example, in timezone -03:30, the local time 15:00 refers to the ut1 time 18:30.

The logic behind this section of the image table schema is to deduce the "virtual" field ut1_start_datetime from the MySQL command date_sub(local_start_date, interval local_time_zone hour_second), which gives the UT1 (solar) datetime at image start.


Because observations have fine (perhaps as fine as ~30 minute) time resolution, georeferencing metadata may be too much to ask a provider for. Again, however, my philosophy here is to provide fields at a fine enough granularity to enable time-series analyses.

The following fields are boolean indicators and are recommended.

Other recommended indicators might include

but, as of 2019-06-25, these fields have not yet been implemented into the schema.

The finest level of granuality would be obtained from the following optional fields (with the end goal of determining a platform's location).

Field Type Description
longitude float(10,6)
latitude float(10,6)
location_fix_indicator bool An indicator equal to 1 if longitude and latitude are "fixed" by georeference. Else equal to 0, e.g., when location is unspecified or "dead-reckoned".
local_course float(6,3) Local course is defined as the direction of movement in degrees clockwise (e.g., convert ne to 315 and nne to 337.5) from "local north". This field should be entered verbatim, without correction for the compass type of instrument. True course thus depends on this field, the date, and the parent field platform.compass_type_of_instrument.
local_speed float(6,3) Should be entered verbatim. This field depends on the parent field platform.navigation_speed_units.

This concludes the discussion of required and recommended metadata. Again, I am open to feedback and criticism with respect to any part of the database ontology.


The software in this repository was designed with reference to the following: