NCAR / rwrfhydro

A community-contributed tool box for managing, analyzing, and visualizing WRF Hydro (and NWM) input and output files in R.
74 stars 68 forks source link

Install problem #96

Closed yfhuang7 closed 6 years ago

yfhuang7 commented 6 years ago


I met loading error while installing rwrfhydro, but I don't understand the error message (see below), it seems like it's the system problem. What can I do to install rwrfhydro successfully? Do I need certain version of R?

Thanks! yufen

devtools::install_github("NCAR/rwrfhydro") Downloading GitHub repo NCAR/rwrfhydro@master from URL Installing rwrfhydro "C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-34~1.2/bin/x64/R" --no-site-file --no-environ --no-save --no-restore \ --quiet CMD INSTALL "C:/Users/Yu-Fen \ Huang/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpigF4t3/devtools47c813eb6557/NCAR-rwrfhydro-5a0b83e" \ --library="C:/Users/Yu-Fen Huang/Documents/R/win-library/3.4" --install-tests

kendrakaiser commented 6 years ago

I'm having the same problem - it seems that it's this part "Error: package or namespace load failed for 'rwrfhydro' in namespaceExport(ns, exports): undefined exports: GetNldas2"

ChuliangXiao commented 6 years ago

Similar problem

Downloading GitHub repo NCAR/rwrfhydro@master
from URL
Installing rwrfhydro
'/usr/lib64/R/bin/R' --no-site-file --no-environ --no-save --no-restore  \
  --quiet CMD INSTALL  \
  '/tmp/RtmpBJXS04/devtools1b452d74e470/NCAR-rwrfhydro-5a0b83e'  \
  --library='/home/xiao/Rpackages' --install-tests

* installing *source* package ‘rwrfhydro’ ...
** R
** data
*** moving datasets to lazyload DB
** inst
** tests
** preparing package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
  converting help for package ‘rwrfhydro’
    finding HTML links ... done
    AddRouteLinkGage                        html
    AllSame                                 html
    AsCharLongInt                           html
    Bias                                    html
    BiasNorm                                html
    CalcCOM                                 html
    CalcDailyGhcn                           html
    CalcDateTrunc                           html
    CalcDates                               html
    CalcFdc                                 html
    CalcFdcPerf                             html
    CalcFdcSpline                           html
    CalcMeanMinrm                           html
    CalcMeanNarm                            html
    CalcModPerf                             html
    CalcModPerfMulti                        html
    CalcMonthDays                           html
    CalcNoahmpFluxes                        html
    CalcNoahmpWatBudg                       html
    CalcRunningMean                         html
    CalcSnodasCoords                        html
    CalcStatCategorical                     html
    CalcStatCont                            html
    CalcStatsRS                             html
    CalcWaterYear                           html
    ChanObsToTimeSlice                      html
    CheckConn                               html
    ConvertRS2Stack                         html
    ConvertStack2NC                         html
    CreateBasinMask                         html
    finding level-2 HTML links ... done

Rd warning: /tmp/RtmpBJXS04/devtools1b452d74e470/NCAR-rwrfhydro-5a0b83e/man/CreateBasinMask.Rd:43: missing link ‘ReadChrtgrid’
    CumsumNa                                html
    EditFrxstPts                            html
    ExportGeogrid                           html
    FillOutliers                            html
    FindUsgsStns                            html
    FlipLR                                  html
    FlipUD                                  html
    FormalsToDf                             html
    GapFillRS                               html
    GatherStreamInds                        html
    GetCRN                                  html
    GetCoDwrData                            html
    GetDomainCoordsProj                     html
    GetFileStat                             html
    GetGeogridIndex                         html
    GetGeogridSpatialInfo                   html
    GetGhcn                                 html
    GetGhcn2                                html
    GetGithubPat                            html
    GetMODIS                                html
    GetMultiNcdf                            html
    GetMultiNcdfFile                        html
    GetMultiNcdfVariable                    html
    GetNWCSnowPoints                        html
    GetNcdfFile                             html
    GetNwmChannelOut                        html
    GetPkgMeta                              html
    GetPkgRawDataPath                       html
    GetPoly                                 html
    GetProj                                 html
    GetRfc                                  html
    GetSiteHuc                              html
    GetSnodasDepthSweDate                   html
    GetSnodasPointTs                        html
    GetSnotel                               html
    GetStage4Files                          html
    GetTimeZone                             html
    GetUsgsHucData                          html
    GetUsgsIvProduct                        html
    ImproveHucMeta                          html
    InsertRS                                html
    Kge                                     html
    LoadMetaDB                              html
    LsObjects                               html
    MkDischargeVariance                     html
    MkFrcAdjFromLdasin                      html
    MkNcdf                                  html
    MkNudgingParams                         html
    MkUsgsTimeSlice                         html
    Model3SdErrClimTaper                    html
    Model3SdErrPctErrPlusQntlIncpt          html
    NamedList                               html
    Nse                                     html
    NseLog                                  html
    NtwKReExToNcdf                          html
    PadRange                                html
    PlotFdc                                 html
    PlotFdcCompare                          html
    PlotFluxCompare                         html
    PlotPrettyUsgs                          html
    PlotWatBudg                             html
    PolyToRaster                            html
    PosixOrigin                             html
    PrettyUsgs                              html
    PutSnodasCoordsNcdf                     html
    PutSnodasNcdf                           html
    QueryHaveSite                           html
    QuerySiteData                           html
    QuerySiteInfo                           html
    QuerySiteName                           html
    QuerySiteProd                           html
    RBFlash                                 html
    ReExpNetwork                            html
    ReExpressRouteLink                      html
    ReIndexRouteLink                        html
    ReadAmeriflux                           html
    ReadAmerifluxCSVOldFormat               html
    ReadAmerifluxNCOldFormat                html
    ReadChrtout                             html
Rd warning: /tmp/RtmpBJXS04/devtools1b452d74e470/NCAR-rwrfhydro-5a0b83e/man/ReadChrtout.Rd:63: missing link ‘ReadChrtgrid’
    ReadCoDwrGage                           html
    ReadFrxstPts                            html
Rd warning: /tmp/RtmpBJXS04/devtools1b452d74e470/NCAR-rwrfhydro-5a0b83e/man/ReadFrxstPts.Rd:36: missing link ‘ReadChrtgrid’
    ReadGwOut                               html
Rd warning: /tmp/RtmpBJXS04/devtools1b452d74e470/NCAR-rwrfhydro-5a0b83e/man/ReadGwOut.Rd:33: missing link ‘ReadChrtgrid’
    ReadGwbuckFile                          html
    ReadLakeout                             html
    ReadLdasoutAll                          html
Rd warning: /tmp/RtmpBJXS04/devtools1b452d74e470/NCAR-rwrfhydro-5a0b83e/man/ReadLdasoutAll.Rd:60: missing link ‘ReadChrtgrid’
    ReadLdasoutWb                           html
Rd warning: /tmp/RtmpBJXS04/devtools1b452d74e470/NCAR-rwrfhydro-5a0b83e/man/ReadLdasoutWb.Rd:79: missing link ‘ReadChrtgrid’
    ReadLinkFile                            html
    ReadNcTimeSlice                         html
    ReadRouteLink                           html
Rd warning: /tmp/RtmpBJXS04/devtools1b452d74e470/NCAR-rwrfhydro-5a0b83e/man/ReadRouteLink.Rd:20: missing link ‘ReadChrtgrid’
    ReadRtout                               html
Rd warning: /tmp/RtmpBJXS04/devtools1b452d74e470/NCAR-rwrfhydro-5a0b83e/man/ReadRtout.Rd:64: missing link ‘ReadChrtgrid’
    ReadSnodasDepthSweDate                  html
    ReadUsgsGage                            html
    ReadWtFile                              html
    ReshapeMultiNcdf                        html
    Rmse                                    html
    RmseNorm                                html
    RotateCcw                               html
    RotateCw                                html
    RoundMinutes                            html
    SaveHucData                             html
    SelectGhcnGauges                        html
    SmoothStack                             html
    StdLon                                  html
    SubsetWts                               html
    TransTz                                 html
    TransUsgsProdStat                       html
    TranslateStateCodes                     html
    UpdateGwbuckFile                        html
    UpdateLinkFile                          html
    UpdateWtFile                            html
    VisualizeChanNtwk                       html
    VisualizeDomain                         html
    VisualizeRouteLink                      html
    VisualizeSpatial                        html
    VisualizeSubsetStream                   html
    WhichMulti                              html
    WriteDischargeObsSeq                    html
    WriteNcTimeSlice                        html
    amfMeta                                 html
    gages2Attr                              html
    gages2AttrPlus                          html
    lsOS                                    html
    multiplot                               html
    ncdump                                  html
    rfc                                     html
    rwrfhydro                               html
    snotelMeta                              html
    sub-.prettyUsgs                         html
    subset.prettyUsgs                       html
    timeZone                                html
    tzLookup                                html
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘rwrfhydro’ in namespaceExport(ns, exports):
 undefined exports: GetNldas2
Error: loading failed
Execution halted
ERROR: loading failed
* removing ‘/home/xiao/Rpackages/rwrfhydro’
Installation failed: Command failed (1)
jmccreight commented 6 years ago

Hi all, sorry about this. I didnt notice it last time I updated. Would someone mind cloning the repo and devtools:install() it? If that fails, then remove the GetNldas2 line from the NAMESPACE file in the top level and try again. Roxygen sometimes leaves stale bits in there.

I could try this, but it will be several days. My R legs are rusty at the moment.

ChuliangXiao commented 6 years ago

@jmccreight Yes, it worked as you suggested. After GetNldas2 is removed from NAMESPACE of the repo, rwrfhydro is installed by devtools::install("rwrfhydro").

yfhuang7 commented 6 years ago

Yes, I can install it after removing the GetNldas2 line from the NAMESPACE. Thanks! :D

jmccreight commented 6 years ago

Who wants submit a pull request of the fix so I dont have to redo it? If your local rwrfhydro is a clone of your fork (e.g. git remote -v shows origin<YOURFORK>/wrf_hydro_dart.git) then commit and push the change to your fork and issue a pull request. If your local rwrfhydro is clone of upstream (e.g. git remote -v shows origin, then I can offer you more assistance, if you are game to try.

jmccreight commented 6 years ago

thanks yufen! for PR #97.