NCAR / wxgen

A very simple weather generator that serves as a demo repository
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Python Weather Generator

Author: Brian Vanderwende
Version: 1.0

This weather generator creates a sample forecast for multiple cities. Currently, forecasts are produced for:

Daily values are produced for high temperature, low temperature, and accumulated precipitation.


Python 2.6+ or 3.x


The weather generator features the following tunable parameters:

These parameters are set for each city in JSON format in the "cities" directory.

How to Run

Simply execute the script:


The forecasts will be written to files in the "forecasts" directory:

Forecast for Boulder, CO
Generated at 2134Z - 13 Apr 2018

Day 1
  High:      12.33 deg C
  Low:        9.56 deg C
  Precip:     0.00 mm

Day 2