NCATSTranslator / workflow-runner

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Workflow runner


Live service

Available at:


./ --port <PORT>

The default port is 3084.


docker build . -t workflow_runner
docker run --name workflow_runner --rm -p <PORT>:3084 -it workflow_runner


PORT=<PORT> docker-compose up --build

The "docker-compose" option requires either a) an environment variable called PORT, or b) a .env file containing a definition for PORT.

kubernetes (minikube)

eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env)  # point session to minikube's docker daemon
docker build . -t workflow_runner  # build image
kubectl create -f k8s-deployment.yml  # references local image
kubectl port-forward service/workflow-runner <PORT>:7092  # forward to port of your choice

Access Swagger UI at http://localhost:<PORT>/docs.


Environment variables have the following effects:

Local Development

Management Script

The codebase comes with a zero-dependency python management script that can be used to automate basic local development tasks. Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed and then run:

./ dev # starts server accessible at 5781
./ test # run tests
./ lock # update lockfile if requirements.txt has changed

Without Management Script


python -m pytest tests/ --cov app --cov-report term-missing