NCBI-Hackathons / PyClonal

Jupyter Notebooks to analyze T-cell Receptor Sequencing
MIT License
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Jupyter Notebooks to analyze T-cell Receptor Sequencing


What is it?

Use cases (links to Jupyter notebooks)


How to use


Dependencies: pandas, jupyter, scipy, seaborn

Alternate installation methods

Older versions of Anaconda have issues running pipenv. There are a few alternatives if you run into installation issues:


To use from the command line, run script:

    $./ -h
    usage: [-h] [-p PATTERN] [-f [FORMAT [FORMAT ...]]] [-n FORMAT_NAME]
          [-c [FORMAT_COLS [FORMAT_COLS ...]]] [-o OUTPUT_FILE]

    A Jupyter notebook based framework to analyze T-cell receptor sequencing data.
    Provide an interactive set of Jupyter notebooks for easily visualizing and
    analyzing TCR sequencing data using existing tools and methods.

    positional arguments:
    dir                   directory with data files

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -p PATTERN, --pattern PATTERN
                            filename patterd (*.tsv)
    -f [FORMAT [FORMAT ...]], --format [FORMAT [FORMAT ...]]
                            custom format: names of columns to extract
    -n FORMAT_NAME, --format_name FORMAT_NAME
                            custom format name
    -c [FORMAT_COLS [FORMAT_COLS ...]], --format_cols [FORMAT_COLS [FORMAT_COLS ...]]
                            column to detect format
    -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output_file OUTPUT_FILE
                            output files basename

For usage example in jupyter notebook see example notebook data input.ipynb in jupyter_notebooks directory.

Resources and Existing TCR tools to gather from:

-VDJdb -

-VDJ tools -

-VDJviz: a versatile immune repertoire browser -

-tcR -

-miXCR -

-powerTCR -

-ImmuneDB -

-TraCeR -