NCIOCPL / cgov-digital-platform-dynamic-services

Legacy CDE Services
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Story: CTS Print Service #4

Closed bryanpizzillo closed 11 months ago

bryanpizzillo commented 4 years ago

As a [role], I want [feature], so that [benefit]

This should stay as is.

The code comes from the following Handlers

      <add name="CTSNewPrintRequestHandler" path="CTS.Print/GenCache" verb="POST" type="CancerGov.ClinicalTrials.Basic.v2.HttpHandlers.CTSCachedPrintRequestHandler,CancerGov.BasicCTSv2" />
      <add name="CTSCachedPrintRequestHandler" path="CTS.Print/Display" verb="GET" type="CancerGov.ClinicalTrials.Basic.v2.HttpHandlers.CTSCachedPrintRequestHandler,CancerGov.BasicCTSv2" />

This carries with it connectionStrings. Which means that we need to deal with configs. This should not break the single web.config, because we should use a config source for the connection strings section.

This is in the same assembly as the redirect, so if there should be no other overhead.

ESTIMATE 1-2 days given that it is as-is,

Acceptance Criteria

Scenario: [title]
  Given [context]
    And [some more context]
  When  [event]
  Then  [outcome]
    And [another outcome]



Some complementary notes if necessary:




Technical Notes

blairlearn commented 11 months ago

This was implemented in