NCIOCPL / drug-dictionary-app

NCI Drug Dictionary Application
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NCI Drug Dictionary React Application

Table of Contents

Development workflow

You must create you ticket branches off the NCIOCPL repo such that secrets are used. Github actions cannot handle forked repos and secrets yet.

Steps to Create a new React App Repo

  1. Create an empty repository from NCIOCPL
  2. Download a copy of this repository (detatched from git)
  3. Run npm ci
  4. Make changes to the following files:
    • config/webpack.config.js - change:
      • library: 'nci-cgov-react-app-playground', to be
      • library: 'nci-REPO_NAME_HERE', where the library name looks something like nci-sitewide-search-app
    • cypress/integration/common/beforeEach.js - modify this object to include the defaults for integration tests that should be passed to initialize.
    • public/index.html - Update the const cfgs = [...] block to set the initialize options for the apps. Modify <select id="jm1" class="jumpmenu"> to set the dropdown name for the configuration. Modify package.json to set the name, version, repository.url, bugs.url to this repos values. Run ` to update the lock. \* modify theappPathsconstant insrc/hooks/routing` to setup all the routes for your app. See Routing.
  5. Remove any components from src/components/atomic and src/components/molecules that are not needed. (For example if you don't have videos, remove the youtube-video-player)
  6. Go to the NCIOCPL Organization Secrets and add permissions to the new repository for these secrets:
    • ...

Folder Structure

Making API Calls

API endpoint domain has to be set as an initialization parameter for the application in /src/index.js.

For example to retrieve geolocation using Google's Geo-coding API (,+Mountain+View,+CA) based on address.

  1. Add API domain base endpoint as an initialization parameter and add to "initialState" in /src/index.js to support an additional call for this service.

    const initialize = ({
       googleAPIEndpoint = "",
    } = {}) => {
       const initialState = {
  2. Initialize variables and create convenience method to set this variable in /src/services/api/endpoints.js Initialize "GOOGLE_API_ENDPOINT" and create method "setGoogleAPIEndpoint".

    * Sets Google's base API endpoint
    * @param {string} endpoint - Base API endpoint
    * @return void
    export function setGoogleAPIEndpoint(endpoint) {
    GOOGLE_API_ENDPOINT = cleanURI(endpoint);
  3. Update /src/services/api/axios-client.js Set "GOOGLE_API_ENDPOINT" by importing "setGoogleAPIEndpoint" from endpoints.js using "googleAPIEndpoint" that was provided as an initialization parameter by destructuring it from "initialize".

    import { ..., setGoogleAPIEndpoint } from './endpoints';

    export const getAxiosClient = (initialize) => { const { ..., googleAPIEndpoint } = initialize; setGoogleAPIEndpoint(googleAPIEndpoint); ...snip... } ...snip...

  4. Add a service name to "getEndpoints" in /src/services/api/endpoints.js

    const endpoints = {
    geoCode: `${GOOGLE_API_ENDPOINT}/geocode/json`,
  5. A fetch action can then be defined by creating "getGeocodeResults.js" in /src/services/api/actions

    import { getEndpoint } from '../endpoints';
    export const getGeocodeResults = ({ address }) => {
    const endpoint = getEndpoint('geoCode');
    return {
        method: 'GET',
        endpoint: `${endpoint}?address=${address}`,

    NOTE: Remember to create unit tests as well!

  6. Make the fetch calls using "useCustomQuery".

    import { useCustomQuery } from 'src/hooks';
    import { getGeocodeResults } from 'src/services/api/actions/getGeocodeResults';
    const sampleView = () => {
       const address = '1600+Amphitheatre+Parkway,+Mountain+View,+CA';
       const fetchResults = useCustomQuery(getGeocodeResults({ address }));

    The "useCustomQuery" hook takes a second boolean parameter "shouldFetch" which allows for conditional fetches.

Analytics for the NCI Event-Driven Data Layer (EDDL)

Handling analytics requires that the following code be used for a page load event:

window.NCIDataLayer = window.NCIDataLayer || [];
  type: 'PageLoad',
  event: '<EVENT_NAME>',
  page: {
    name: "",
    title: "",
    metaTitle: "",
    language: "",
    type: "",
    audience: "",
    channel: "",
    contentGroup: "",
    publishedDate: Date
    additionalDetails: {}

and the following for click events:

  type: 'Other',
  event: '<EVENT_NAME>',
  data: {


One of the MOST IMPORTANT things is that page load events ALWAYS preceed click events. The EDDL keeps track of the page information raised during a page load, and that information is pushed out to the Analytics Tool with the click/other data payload. So if a click event is raised by the app BEFORE the page load it is associated with, then bad things happen...

How the react-tracker Package Works

The react-tracking library offers a way for embedding analytics agnostic event tracking in a react app. React-tracker OOB allows you to set various contextual data points in each of your components, such that if a nested component raises a tracking event, those data points are included in the data payload.

For example say you are displaying a search results page. You can:

  pageName: 'Results Page',
  searchTerm: 'chicken',
  numResults: 322,
  action: 'result_link_click',
  position: 3,
  title: 'A title'

We have created an AnalyticsProvider higher-order component that wraps our App "component". This provider wires up a custom dispatch function to the react-tracking library. This custom function is the analyticsHandler parameter passed into the initialize function.

A react-tracker dispatch function takes in a data payload that has no predefined structured.


src/routing.js contains a hook, useAppPaths that return helper functions that are used to not only generate URLs for a route, but also can be used to define the routes in your App.js file.

Using useAppPaths to generate a URL

useAppPaths will return an object with all the route names, as functions, defined in appPaths. The functions each take in an object that maps to the path patterns.


// in routing.js
const appPaths = {
    HomePath: '/',
    ItemDetailsPath: '/:id',

// snippet from Home.jsx
import { useAppPaths } from './hooks';


const {
} = useAppPaths();


        to={ItemDetailsPath({id: "6789"})}
        onClick={handleItemClick}>Item 6789</Link>

Using useAppPaths to get a route

If you do not pass any parameters into the useAppPaths functions, then the original path pattern will be returned. This is used for defining routes.


// in routing.js
const appPaths = {
    HomePath: '/',
    ItemDetailsPath: '/:id',

// Route definition from App.js
import { useAppPaths } from './hooks';


const {
} = useAppPaths();


        <Route path={HomePath()} element={<Home />} />
        <Route path={ItemDetailsPath()} element={<ItemDetails />} />
        <Route path="/*" element={<PageNotFound />} />

The API Mocks

The api is available at http://localhost:3000/api/* where * is the full path as it would be in the API.

Adding API Mocks

  1. For example, if the actual api request is, save the desired api response to a file named 1234.json in the mock-data directory (support/mock_data) that matches the same path as the request <repo>/support/mock-data/sampleapi/v1/sampleendpoint/ folder as a file named 1234.json.

  2. Go to setupProxy.js and add a route for the api mock to the endpoint

    * Middleware setup for "setupProxy"
    * @param {Express.Application} app
    const middleware = (app) => {
    // This looks like http://localhost:3000/api/sampleapi/v1/sampleendpoint?id=1234
    app.use('/api/sampleapi/v1/sampleendpoint/:id', getSampleApiSampleEndpoint);
  3. Add a middleware to handle the route created in step 2

    * getSampleApiSampleEndpoint - Middleware for getting sample API endpoint params
    * @param {Express.Request} req
    * @param {Express.Response} res
    * @param {Function} next
    const getSampleApiSampleEndpoint = async (req, res, next) => {
    const { id } = req.params;
    // IMPLEMENTOR NOTE: You are mocking the API, so if the API returns an object
    // when something is not found like search results, you need to handle that.
    // This is custom code and is not something easily mocked up.
    // IMPLEMENTOR NOTE: Always good to integration test 500 errors with your app
    if ( id === 'server-error') {
    // IMPLEMENTOR NOTE: Always good to integration test 404 errors with your app
    if ( id === 'not-found') {
    // IMPLEMENTOR NOTE: Always good to integration test 400 errors with your app
    if ( id === 'bad-request') {
    // IMPLEMENTOR NOTE: The mock data should match the API's folder structure.
    const mockDir = path.join(
    try {
        // IMPLEMENTOR NOTE: The mock data file name should be the end part of the path
        // if it is dynamic and any other query params to make it distinct.
        // This example is basic...
        const mockFile = path.join(mockDir, `${id}.json`);
        try {
            // Test if it exists.
            await accessAsync(mockFile);
        } catch (err) {
            // Access denied to open file, or not found.
            // treat at 404, or your choice.
    } catch (err) {
        // This must be an error from sending the file, or joining
        // the path.
  4. Restart the server