NCRoadNetworks / NC_barrier_roadnetworks

Analysis of NC barrier island road networks
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NC Barrier Island Road Networks

Analysis of NC barrier island road networks.

This set of notebooks is based heavily on an existing repository:

and the resulting (OA) paper in Earth's Future:

The goals of this repository are to further analyze NC barrier islands:

To reproduce the analysis, follow these steps

Step 0: set up the environment

> conda create -n roads

> conda activate roads

> conda install -c conda-forge fiona gdal networkx osmnx requests scipy urllib3 zipp shapely rasterio geopandas pandas numpy matplotlib notebook tqdm contextily -y

Note that an `environment.yml is also included in the repository.

Step 1: run getNCBarriers.ipynb to get the barrier shapefiles

Step 2: run getNCCUDEM.ipynb to get the elevation data (CUDEM)

Step 3: run getExceedence.ipynb to get the water level data (NOAA)

Step 4: run getRoads.ipynb to get the road data (OSM)

Step 5: run doAnalysis.ipynb to analyze the assembled data