Analysis of NC barrier island road networks.
This set of notebooks is based heavily on an existing repository:
and the resulting (OA) paper in Earth's Future:
The goals of this repository are to further analyze NC barrier islands:
To reproduce the analysis, follow these steps
> conda create -n roads
> conda activate roads
> conda install -c conda-forge fiona gdal networkx osmnx requests scipy urllib3 zipp shapely rasterio geopandas pandas numpy matplotlib notebook tqdm contextily -y
Note that an `environment.yml is also included in the repository.
to get the barrier shapefilesgetNCCUDEM.ipynb
to get the elevation data (CUDEM)getExceedence.ipynb
to get the water level data (NOAA)getRoads.ipynb
to get the road data (OSM)doAnalysis.ipynb
to analyze the assembled data