NDCLab / fiu-toolbox

tool | standard experimental tasks for cognitive control
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
0 stars 0 forks source link


Project Goal

Replace this text with a pithy description of the goal of the project.

Background & Design

Replace this text with a slightly longer (but still only max 250 words) description of the project background and its design.


Insert graphic of planned project releases. This site allows you to build a graphic that is connected to GitHub, so that changes you make are treated as GitHub commits.


Replace this text with a description of how a new user should install and use the tool.

:point_right: When you first set up this readme file, the description above might say something like "Watch for our first release!"

Work in Development

This main branch contains completed releases for this project. For all work-in-progress, please switch over to the dev branches.

:point_right: Keep the "Work in Development" text above as the default NDCLab "blurb" to help visitors navigate the repo. But delete this note before publishing the readme file.


Name Role
insert team member add team member's role
insert team member add team member's role
insert team member add team member's role

Learn more about us here.


If you are interested in contributing, please read our CONTRIBUTING.md file.

:point_right: Keep the "Contributing" text above as the default NDCLab "blurb" to help visitors navigate the repo. But delete this note before publishing the readme file.