NET-A-PORTER / spray-actor-per-request

Example spray application that uses the actor per request model
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Spray Actor Per Request

This project provides an example spray application that uses the Actor per request model.

Why would you want to spin up an Actor for each HTTP request?


Example App


This example application provides an API to get a list of pets with their owners. There are already two services that provide a list of pets and a list of animals and the responsibility of this application is to simply aggregate these two together.

Our application is made up of three modules:

Ideally modules these would be in separate sub-projects to prevent unnecessary compile time dependencies, however for simplicity purposes they are just kept in separate packages in this example.


sbt run

Successful request

If we request the pet Lassie:

GET http://localhost:38080/pets?names=Lassie

We get a successful response:

  "pets": [
      "name": "Lassie",
      "owner": {
        "name": "Jeff Morrow"

In this scenario, any request scoped actors in the application core are stopped by the PerRequest actor.

Request Timeouts

Tortoises are slow. If we request a tortoise the PetClient will not reply to our application core quick enough. The timeout of 2 seconds in our PerRequest actor will happen first.

GET http://localhost:38080/pets?names=Tortoise

  "message": "Request timeout"

In this scenario, any request scoped actors in the application core are stopped by the PerRequest actor.


You shouldn't keep a Lion as a pet. Quite frankly they are too dangerous.

GET http://localhost:38080/pets?names=Lion

  "message": "Lions are too dangerous!"

In this scenario, our application core returns a generic Validation message to our PerRequest actor to complete. Any request scoped actors in the application core are stopped by the PerRequest actor.


What about unexpected failures? There is a "bug" in our application core that throws a PetOverflowException if we request too many pets:

GET http://localhost:38080/pets?names=Lassie,Tweety,Tom

  "message": "PetOverflowException: OMG. Pets. Everywhere."

Any failures that not handled by the application core can be escalated up to the supervision strategy in our PerRequest actor. The PerRequest actor is too generic to recover from any business logic failures, so it will simply handle all failures by completing the request with an error response. Any request scoped actors in the application core are stopped by the PerRequest actor.