NEU-Coop-2024 / helical-jupyter

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echo_append README


echo_append is a Python project aimed at creating custom IPython cell magics for Jupyter Notebooks. The primary functionality is to accumulate DOT language code and display the results of all executed cells as PNGs.


Python 3.11.9 Poetry 1.8.3 Jupyter notebook 7.2.1 IPython 8.26.0 Graphviz 12.0 Pillow 10.4.0

Ensure that you have poetry and jupyter installed

Jupyter installation: Poetry installation:

Setting up Environment

Begin by cloning the repository from Github and then navigate to the top directory of the project

cd ~/{location}/{of}/{project}/helical-jupyter

While inside the helical-jupyter folder, create a virtual environment to install the project and its dependencies:

Activate your virtual environment:

Windows: .\{name of virtual environment}\Sciprts\activate OSX:./{name of virtual environment}/bin/activate

Install the project (make the package accessible from any location when the virtual environment is activated):

poetry install

Launch jupyter notebook and create a new notebook to get started:

jupyter notebook

Using the cell magic in Juptyer notebook

Before using echo_append in your Jupyter Notebook, you need to load it as an extension:

%load_ext echo_package

To call the custom magic:

%%echo_append followed by DOT code, i.e

digraph G {
    A -> B;
    B -> C;
    C -> A;
    C -> A;

which will produce an image of a graph, along with a 'Success!' string appended at the end (Please see the Resources folder for an example image output)

You can enter in some other DOT code in a different cell, which will produce an image as specified in the cell

Tooling recommendations

Visual Studio Code - IDE for python devlopement Poetry - dependency management

Changes to the echo_append script

Modifications to the echo_append script can be made in the file in the echo_append directory