Software Metadata Extraction and Curation Software (SMECS)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Software Metadata Extraction and Curation Software (SMECS)

A web application to extract and curate research software metadata following the codemeta <>_ software metadata standard.
SMECS facilitates the extraction of research software metadata from repositories on GitHub/GitLab. It offers a user-friendly graphical user interface for visualizing the retrieved metadata. This empowers researchers to create good metadata for their research software without reentering data which is already available elsewhere. Ultimately, SMECS delivers the curated metadata in JSON format, enhancing usability and accessibility.
Authors: Stephan Ferenz, Aida Jafarbigloo

Key Stages in SMECS

The figure below illustrates the sequential processes and data flows within SMECS. First, users input data, triggering the tool to extract metadata associated with specific URLs. This metadata is then visualized, allowing users to review and interact with it. Users can curate, modify, and finalize the metadata according to their needs. Once satisfied, they can download the curated metadata in JSON format, providing an interoperable output for further use.

.. image:: :alt: SMECS Workflow Visualization :width: 1000px |

. Metadata Extraction Stage

 * **Metadata Extraction**
    * SMECS extracts metadata from GitHub and GitLab repositories. For details on the specific metadata that SMECS can extract, please refer to `Metadata Terms in SMECS <>`_
 * **API Interactions:** Use GitHub and GitLab APIs to fetch relevant metadata.
 * **Data Parsing:** Analyze the retrieved metadata and translate it into CodeMeta metadata for further processing.
 * **Cross-Walk and Metadata Mapping**
    * **Standardization:** Align metadata fields from GitHub and GitLab to a common dictionary.
    * **Field Matching:** Map equivalent fields between GitHub and GitLab. For example, mapping GitHub "topics" to GitLab "keywords".

. Visualization and Curation Stage

 * **Visualization:** Extracted metadata is displayed in a structured form.
 * **User Interface:** Interactive and simple UI for exploring the extracted and curated metadata.
 * **Metadata Curation:** Refine the extracted metadata based on user preferences.
 * **Missing Metadata Identification:** Identify and highlight fields where metadata is absent.
 * **User Input for Missing Metadata:** Enable users to add missing metadata directly via the user interface.
 * **Real-Time Metadata Curation:**  Enable the possibility of representing the JSON format of the metadata based on the CodeMeta standard in real time, allowing one-direction changes from form format to JSON to show real-time metadata curation.

. Export Stage

 * **Export Formats:** Save extracted and curated metadata in JSON format.

Installation and Usage

Install from GitHub

. Cloning the repository

 * Copy URL of the project from Clone with HTTPS.
 * Change the current working directory to   the desired location.
 * Run ``git clone <URL>`` in command prompt. (GitBash can be used as well)

. Creating virtual environment

 * Make sure `Python <>`_ is installed.
 * Ensure you can run Python from command prompt.
     * On Windows: Run ``py --version``. 
     * On Unix/MacOS: Run ``python3 --version``. 
 * Create the virtual environment by running this code in the command prompt.
     * On Windows: Run ``py -m venv <name-of-virtual-environment>``.
     * On Unix/MacOS: Run ``python3 -m venv <name-of-virtual-environment>``.
   | for more details visit `Creation of virtual environments <>`_
 * Activate virtual environment.
     * On Windows: Run ``env\Scripts\activate``. 
     * On Unix/MacOS: Run ``source env/bin/activate``.
   env is the selected name for the virtual environment.
   Note that activating the virtual environment change the shell's prompt and show what virtual
   environment is being used.

. Managing Packages with pip

 * Ensure you can run pip from command prompt.
     * On Windows: Run ``py -m pip --version``.
     * On Unix/MacOS: Run ``python3 -m pip --version``.
 * Install a list of requirements specified in a *Requirements.txt*.
     * On Windows: Run ``py -m pip install -r requirements.txt``.
     * On Unix/MacOS: Run ``python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt``.
for more details visit Installing Packages <>_

Running the project

| License and Citation

| The code is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 or later (AGPL-3.0-or-later). | See LICENSE.txt <LICENSE.txt>_ for further information.

| Acknowledgements

We would like to thank meta_tool <>_ for providing the foundational framework upon which this project is built.

.. |badge_license| image:: :target: LICENSE.txt :alt: License

.. |badge_contributing| image:: :alt: contributions

.. |badge_repo_counts| image:: :alt: counter

.. |badge_contributors| image:: :alt: contributors

.. |badge_issue_open| image:: :alt: open issues

.. |badge_issue_closes| image:: :alt: closes issues

.. |badge_pr_open| image:: :alt: closes issues

.. |badge_pr_closes| image:: :alt: closes issues