NFT-DAO / Governance-HOLON

NFT-DAO envisions an open-source composable NFT framework for all
Apache License 2.0
8 stars 10 forks source link

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NFT-DAO Governance HOLON

To participate in the NFT-DAO Governance HOLON GitHub :

  • Submit issues
  • Fork this repository
  • Submit Pull Requests


Meeting Minutes are recorded in Discussions. To allow for threaded comments.

Participate in our Discussions :

Welcome !

Project Catalyst

Ideas Contributed on ideascale by NFT-DAO (the whole team) - Project Catalyst

  1. Contribution Token Governance Model - Discussion
  2. NFTDAO: Industry Standards 1 - Discussion
  3. CNS as NFT (Cardano Name Service) - Discussion
  4. Ticket Dispenser—NFT Framework DApp - Discussion
  5. Interoperable NFTs across chains - Discussion
  6. Stripe-like Wallet Connector - Discussion
  7. NFT-DAO EZ-on - Discussion
  8. NFT-DAO NFT metadata standards - Discussion


For documents not related to NFT-DAO's Business Plan go to Documents. Each folder will have its own README to guide users further. Each sections description should be no more than a few sentences.

Business Plan

A summary of the contents of the Business Plan section may be found here


Project Overview

NFT DAO Fund 3 Deliverables & Projected Costs Governance

Break Deliverables down into weekly tasks

Project Board

Genesis of the Governance HOLON GitHub

This repository originates from the community of contributers to Comprehensive NFT Framework Collab, a Project Cataylyst proposal that contributes to the future of Cardano.