NFeruch / reddit2text

The Python toolkit for converting Reddit threads into organized text data. Extract and process Reddit content with ease!
Apache License 2.0
72 stars 4 forks source link
api conversion convert converter llm praw praw-api praw-reddit python python-library python3 reddit reddit-api reddit-client reddit-scraper text text-analysis text-mining


reddit2text is the Python library designed to effortlessly transform any Reddit thread into clean, readable text data.

Perfect for prompting to an LLM, performing NLP/data analysis, or simply archiving for offline use, reddit2text offers a straightforward interface to access and convert content from Reddit.

Table of Contents


Easy install using pip

pip3 install reddit2text


First, you need to create a Reddit app to get your client_id and client_secret, in order to access the Reddit API.

Here's a visual step-by-step guide I created to do this! Alternatively, you can look at Reddit's API documentation.

Then, replace the client_id, client_secret, and user_agent with your credentials.

The user agent can be anything you like, but we recommend following this convention according to Reddit's guidelines: '<app type>:<app name>:<version> (by <your username>)'

This is enough to get started:

from reddit2text import Reddit2Text

r2t = Reddit2Text(
    # replace with your actual creds
    user_agent='script:my_app:v1.0 (by u/reddit2text)'

URL = ''

output = r2t.textualize_post(URL)

Here is an example (truncated) output from the above code!

Extra Configuration

r2t = Reddit2Text(
    # credentials ...
    max_comment_depth=3,  # all comment chains will be limited to a max of 3 replies
    comment_delim='#'  # each comment level will be preceded by multiples of this string

Current Features

Have a Feature Idea?

Simply open an issue on github and tell me what should be added to the next release!

Planned Features


Contributions to reddit2text are always welcomed! I'm just a person that made something I think is useful, so any help is appreciated. You can always submit a pull requests or add an issue to the GitHub repository.


reddit2text is released under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more details.