NGEET / fates-containers

Repository for containerized version of fates for use in future tutorials
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License - How do we want to license this repo? #1

Open serbinsh opened 4 years ago

serbinsh commented 4 years ago

@rgknox @glemieux

This is the first NGT repo for FATES docker. This is labeled as a "tutorial" but may expand to a repo for building versions of FATES for the testbed or testing. Or perhaps we have this basic tutorial repo and eventually create another "working" repo for dev/testbed release of Docker fates? In which case the license may be different?

serbinsh commented 4 years ago

BSD, GNU3, the FATES license?

glemieux commented 4 years ago

Good question about the license and the variation based on audience; I'm not sure. Maybe we can clarify during the FATES call today.

Yes, I was thinking along the lines of what you laid out @serbinsh regarding having a very basic tutorial repo and create separate fates docker development repo once we have success with the tutorial. My main rationale is that we perhaps avoid worrying about the input data interface for the tutorial by simply including the necessary data in the tutorial container? The docker-fates-development repo would address that issue (and others).

serbinsh commented 4 years ago

@glemieux yeah lets ask on the call if that seems to make sense. As for "shipping" the required files for a demo/tutorial, I do have an example of that for CTSM here:,-Colorado) .

We could do the same exact thing for fates. We just need to identify a site and met drivers we can share in the docker container, and then build the single point surface files. I will work on that and assume BCI is a good first site?