NGEET / fates-containers

Repository for containerized version of fates for use in future tutorials
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FATES Containers Repository

This repository contains the necessary Dockerfiles to build FATES Docker images that are then loaded to the NGEE-Tropics Docker Hub Repo. The images built by this repository are intended to be utilized with the fates tutorial. It is not necessary to clone this repo to run FATES Docker containers or to run the docker tutorial containers. For information on how to the docker containers for the fates tutorial see documentation on the fates tutorial.

Quick Docker Introduction

Dockerfile: Analogous to a make file in some ways. Used to direct the docker engine in the construction of Docker images.

Docker image: Read-only template containing layers with the necessary OS, environment variables, programs and applications for running a specific task.

Docker container: A running instance of a docker image. Containers are emphemeral and do not save run-time information locally.

Docker hub: Official online registry of Docker images. One of many places docker images may be hosted, however.

Repo Structure

cime_config_files: XML configuration files necessary for running host models in docker containers

docker: Contains the dockerfiles necessary to build docker images. Broken down by host model type (ELM, CLM).


  1. Setup and test Docker
  2. Sign up with Docker Hub

Simple Test Run

  1. Pull docker image from Dockerhub: docker pull ngeetropics/<dockerhub-repository-name>
  2. Run the container: docker run --rm -ti --hostname=docker -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v <your-local-scratch-directory>:/output -v <your-local-inputdata-dir>:/inputdata -v <your-local-scripts-dir>:/scripts ngeetropics/<dockerhub-repository-name>:latest


See the wiki for more detailed information on using docker to build and run host land model cases.