NGLPteam / NGLP-Analytics

MIT License
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NGLP Analytics Suite

The API and models for the NGLP Analytics. Python 3

Getting the code

Clone from this repo:

git clone

Update submodules (the edges search component)

From project root, run:

git submodule update --init --recursive

This will check out the edges js library to nglp/static/edges

Python environment

  1. Copy the secrets file from env.template to .env and customise as necessary (todo: hints)
  2. Create and activate virtualenv with e.g. virtualenv -p python3.8 venv and ./venv/bin/activate
  3. Install dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt && pip install -e .

Setup the Geolocation database

We are using the MaxMind geolocation data for this project. You may use the free or paid-for options.

To use the free version, go to

You will need to sign up for GeoLite2, and when you have logged into your account, you will need to download the "GeoLite2 City" binary edition.

Unzip the download and find the .mmdb file. Put this file somewhere the application will be able to use it.

In .env set:



We are using the OpenDistro release of Elasticsearch, though you should also be able to use the 7.10 release of the original Elasticsearch.

Install and run Open Distro for Elasticsearch as per their website:

You will require a recent version of Java (>=11), which you can set and run with

export JAVA_HOME

Generate Test Data

Each type of incoming event (e.g. as if via the API)

for i in {request,investigation,join,leave,export,workflow_transition}; do python nglptest/ -e $i -n 1000; done

A set of events populating all the core model data too

for i in {request,investigation,join,leave,export,workflow_transition}; do python nglptest/ -e $i -n 1000 -c; done

Index Data in ElasticSearch

In the directory where you generated the test data in the previous section:

find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.json" -exec python nglptest/ -i {} \;

TODO - full usage instructions.

Run the analytics API application

From project root, run:

python nglp/

This will bring up the webserver, by default at http://localhost:8000

TODO - make instruction writing more gooder.

Starting app with Docker

Quick and basic docker container to get it running with the same configuration as local dev (i.e. the same .env credentials) optionally supply --build-arg PORT=8001 to the build stage to change its port, remember to expose the same port in docker run.

docker build -t nglp-analytics .
docker run -it -p 8000:8000 --name nglp-analytics nglp-analytics

Starting app with docker-compose

You can run a stack of kafka+zookeper together with the analytics services with docker-compose run. You will still need to configure your .env file as per the instructions above, pointing to the instance of ElasticSearch to connect to.

Alternatively, you can also feed in the docker-compose-es.yml file to spin up a dockerised instance of ElasticSearch (Open Distro's release). There is a custom .env file setup for this docker-compose setup (env.docker), so all you need to do is run the following:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-es.yml up