The VideoPlayer mod enhances your Minecraft server experience by allowing administrators to play videos directly in the GUI of all connected players. This feature-rich mod supports customization options such as player targeting, volume control, video positioning, and sizing. Furthermore, it introduces the ability to enforce restrictions on video playback, such as disabling skip or control features, ensuring players watch the content without interruptions.
This mod requires WATERMeDIA by SrRapero720 to function properly. Ensure it is installed and properly configured on your server.
file in your Minecraft server and client mods
command in the Minecraft console or chat.To play a video for players on your server, use the following command:
/playvideo <TARGETS/PLAYER> <VOLUME> <URL> [<control_blocked>]
/playgovideo <TARGETS/PLAYER> <VOLUME> <URL> <MODE> [<control_blocked>] [<can_skip>] [ONLY IN MODE 1 -> <position>] [<option_mode _in option_secs_in option_mode_out option_secs_out>]
This command plays the "Big Buck Bunny" video for all players at 50% volume with controls disabled.
Players can interact with the video playback using the following keyboard shortcuts, unless control is blocked:
For support, suggestions, or contributions, please open an issue or pull request on our GitHub repository. Your feedback and contributions are welcome!
All rights reserved.