NHBSystems / NHB_AD7794

Library for using the Analog Devices AD7794 6ch 24 bit ADC
MIT License
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Arduino Library for the Analog Devices AD7794 24bit ADC

This is essentially just a new fork of the JJ_AD7794 library. I have also changed to an MIT license.

This library has been tested with ATMEGA328, ATMEGA32u4, SAMD21, Teensy 3.2, and Esp8266* (The Esp8266 has goofy SPI and requires a some workarounds).

Basic API


AD7794(uint8_t csPin, uint32_t spiFrequency, double refVoltage);
Arg Description
csPin Chip Select pin
spiFrequency SPI bus frequency to use
refVoltage Reference voltage. Currently all NHBSystems boards use a 2.5V reference, however if you are using the raw chip, you should set this value to whatever you are using. If set to 1.17 or AD7794_INTERNAL_REF_V the internal 1.17 volt reference will be selected.

Filter Update Rate

The update rate is set for all channels. This setting determines the output data rate and filtering (noise rejection).

    void setUpdateRate(double rate);
Arg Description
rate Update rate in Hz. There are only 15 valid settings, but any value entered will be mapped to the next closest valid option. The following table shows a subset of valid settings. Refer to the data sheet for the full list, however these are the only ones I ever use.
Freq (Hz) Settling time (ms) Noise Rejection
470 4 ---
19.6 101 90 dB (60 Hz only)
16.7 120 65 dB (50 Hz and 60 Hz)
10 200 69 dB (50 Hz and 60 Hz)

Channel Settings

The basic methods for setting up the individual channels are:

    void setBipolar(uint8_t ch, bool isBipolar);
    void setGain(uint8_t ch, uint8_t gain);
    void setEnabled(uint8_t ch, bool enabled);

They each share the basic signature of function(Channel, setting) so I have grouped the discriptions below.

Arg Description
ch The AIN channel to act on
isBipolar Sets whether the channel is configured as bipolar or unipolar. Note: Bipolar is centered arround the middle of the of the input range. It does not mean you can read voltages below VSS
gain Sets the gain for the given channel. Acceptable values are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
enabled enable/disable the channel

Getting Readings

There are a few different methods to get readings from the ADC.

uint32_t getReadingRaw(uint8_t ch);

getReadingRaw(chan) Returns the raw ADC counts for the given channel

float read(uint8_t ch);

read(chan) Returns a reading for the given channel

void read(float *buf, uint8_t bufSize);

read(buffer,size) Is just for convenience and can be used to read a nuber of channels at once, though they must start at 0 and be sequential. (e.g. 0 trough 3, or 0 trough 5).

Reading Temperature

Also, the onboard temperature sensor can be read by reading channel 6. Note, it may be off by a couple of degrees and need an offset correction applied. This is shown in the thermocouple example sketch.

float tempC = read(6); //Returns temperature in Celsius, may need offset corection


#include "NHB_AD7794.h"

//Pin defines, change for your setup
#define AD7794_CS  10  
#define EX_EN_PIN  9  

AD7794 adc(AD7794_CS, 1000000, 2.50);
float readings[6];

void setup() {


    while(!Serial); // Wait for serial on native USB boards

    // NHB boards use a pin to control excitation voltage, set 
    // it to output, and write LOW to turn on the excitation
    pinMode(EX_EN_PIN, OUTPUT); 
    digitalWrite(EX_EN_PIN,LOW);  //low  = 2.5 Vex ON


    adc.setUpdateRate(470); //Fastest setting, no filtering

    for(int i=0; i < 6; i++){
        adc.setGain(i, 128);    

void loop() {

    //Read all 6 AIN channels

    //Dump voltage readings out to serial port.
    for(int i=0; i < 6; i++){


    delay(10); //wait a bit