NHMDenmark / Mass-Digitizer

Common repo for the DaSSCo team
Apache License 2.0
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Create single spreadsheet of all imported specimens #442

Open PipBrewer opened 8 months ago

PipBrewer commented 8 months ago

Once all specimens registered in the DigiApp have been imported to Specify, please could you create a single Excel (on a single sheet) containing all of the data in their raw form (the form submitted by the digitisers) and the form in which it was imported into Specify. I would like to use this to create some statistics and look at consistency etc across data up to the present date. Please save to N drive under DaSSCo\SCI-SNM-DigitalCollections\DaSSCo\Reports and statistics\Copy of imports\ Please name the Excel file (.xlsx) as All_exports_from_app_up_to_20231026 and All_imports_to_Specify_from_app_up_to_20231026 respectively.

Please notify Pip Brewer and Chelsea Graham when these files are ready

PipBrewer commented 8 months ago

If it is taking time to resolve issues before files are imported, please feel free just to collate the original/raw data first into one spreadsheet, we can deal with the processed ones later.

jlegind commented 8 months ago

@PipBrewer Is it important that the files be the raw files from the digitizers? Can it not be the post processed files instead?

PipBrewer commented 8 months ago

@jlegind If you read through the issue, I need both. However, I will need especially the raw ones so we can check the digitiser work BEFORE interventions.