NHSLeadership / nightingale-wp

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Style header using Nightingale #19

Closed Android63 closed 7 years ago

Android63 commented 7 years ago

This is a pretty big issue since the header contains the logo, navigation (including sub-menus), search box and login/out button.

Android63 commented 7 years ago

I was wondering how far, if at all, I should make this NHS-specific. For example, I could hard-code the NHS logo into the header or allow theme users to choose their own logos. If the latter, it could get tricky if we allow different image sizes/proportions. What do you think @Pro-Paul?

penpadstudio commented 7 years ago

@Android63 I have updated the logo here is the link: https://share.goabstract.com/9eb80c1a-311d-4f60-8754-d0b0e97adfac

cehwitham commented 7 years ago

I think being able to update the logo in the customiser makes sense as far as being useful for other NHS orgs. We should be able to set default logo sizes in there and our styles should respect the padding / margins. If people add a logo and it makes the header slightly taller, I think that's fine so long as the padding / margin is maintained.

Android63 commented 7 years ago

So a file upload option in the admin area to allow users to choose a logo image? And text boxes to set height and width in pixels?

Android63 commented 7 years ago

Actually, thinking about it, there's no need for height and width text boxes. I can just display the logo at 50% of its original size (to allow for retina displays).

penpadstudio commented 7 years ago

Maybe hardcode the NHS lozenge as a default if no organisation logo is uploaded too.

cehwitham commented 7 years ago

@Android63 yes to upload box in WP Customizer for the logo. Not sure we should allow people to set width and height, that could get messy. Presumably Nightingale can handle taking in different sized logos and working out the padding/margins around them?

Android63 commented 7 years ago

This is a visual of the design:

cehwitham commented 7 years ago

@Pro-Paul has this been built in Nightingale? Just wondering how the search suggest is meant to work, it looks like it's pushing the main menu down rather than hovering over the menu. How would that work if there were say 5 or 10 suggestions?

penpadstudio commented 7 years ago

has this been built in Nightingale?


Just wondering how the search suggest is meant to work, it looks like it's pushing the main menu down rather than hovering over the menu.

You are correct in thinking how the search suggest works pushing rather than hover over (dropdown).

How would that work if there were say 5 or 10 suggestions?

It would probably look like a big list. Ideally we would only allow a 3 top suggestions max. Also suggestion is a bonus if we can build in the capabilities, I assume it will depend on platform etc.

cehwitham commented 7 years ago

Thank for the clarification @Pro-Paul. I think search suggest is probably an advanced feature that we won't utilise in Moodle or WP 1.0.0 release. Can we leave the search suggest out of Nightingale styles for now and get it LoFi tested then built into a future point release.

@Android63 the rest of the header can be implemented including standard search bar.

penpadstudio commented 7 years ago

good with me.

cehwitham commented 7 years ago

This issue should ignore the search bar all together and we'll pick that up on #41.