NHSLeadership / nightingale-wp

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Nightingale WordPress theme

This is a WordPress theme that implements the NHS Leadership Academy front-end framework Nightingale.


Please checkout the contributing instructions before pitching in.

Installation instructions

Please note: this theme is intended for self-hosted WordPress sites only (as described at WordPress.org) and not for sites hosted at WordPress.com.


If WordPress is not already installed, follow the WordPress installation instructions to install it.


This theme uses the Node.js package. Check it's installed with the following command: node --version

If the response is anything other than vx.x.x LTS then you'll need to download and install the latest LTS version as described at nodejs.org.

Installing the theme

You can either use Git to install the theme or you can download it:

Using Git
  1. If Git is not already installed, get it from the Git download page and install it.
  2. From the command line, go to the wp-content/themes folder for your WordPress site and clone the repository containing this theme with the following command: git clone git@github.com:NHSLeadership/nightingale-wp.git
Via download
  1. Download the theme as a zip file from here.
  2. Unzip the downloaded file and upload the folder contained in it to the wp-content/themes folder for your WordPress site. The result should be a folder named nightingale-wp in your themes folder.

Installing the theme modules

This theme relies on a number of open source code 'modules'. Install the required modules by going into the wp-content/themes/nightingale-wp folder and entering the following commands: npm install and npm update

Compiling the CSS

This theme uses SASS, so you will need to compile your CSS file by going into the wp-content/themes/nightingale-wp folder and entering the following command: npm run build

Final Steps

Nightingale should now be available in your WordPress admin dashboard, ready to be activated, under Appearance > Themes.


[ ] Add instructions for deploying to staging and production