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Theme install question. #20

Closed penpadstudio closed 7 years ago

penpadstudio commented 7 years ago

@Android63 @cehwitham How come our process for installing the theme is full of steps yet other theme installs for Wordpress are just one button clicks? # #

penpadstudio commented 7 years ago

I would have assigned to @cehwitham @Android63 and labeled question but I am blocked from permissions.

Android63 commented 7 years ago

@Pro-Paul other themes are served from the WordPress repository (which uses svn). We're not there yet. Maybe once the theme is complete, we might see if we can get it in there, but we'll have to solve the problem of maintaining it in two repos (git and svn).

cehwitham commented 7 years ago

@Pro-Paul our theme is currently quite developmental. Once we reach versioned releases then we can package it up and host the ZIP files somewhere for easy install if we want. That might mean as @Android63 points out pointing it in the WordPress repo but possibly not, we'll decide later. We'll never have the click install version in this repo as it's bad practice to commit compiled resources like CSS into the working repo.

@Android63 there's a whole bunch of people out there managing theme/plugin development in Git and publishing to WP repo in SVN. Shouldn't be an issue. https://coenjacobs.me/2012/06/19/moving-wordpress-plugins-github/

cehwitham commented 7 years ago

@Pro-Paul happy for this to be closed?

penpadstudio commented 7 years ago

I don't think the issue should be closed. As it would be good to have a simple theme build than a complex one when it comes to it.

cehwitham commented 7 years ago

We'll pick up the instructions on #45 and the pre build theme on #46.