NHuebner1983 / meridian59.net

Meridian59.net Website Repository
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This system was built in PHP and is intended to run in Linux using PHP 7.

Before doing anything make sure you have composer installed. Then run composer install from the httpdocs directory which contains composer.json and composer.lock.


Important blakserv.php connects to the Maintenance IP/Port using a PHP Telnet class. You must have access to Blakserv's telnet terminal before blakserv will work correctly.

To test your telnet connection, type: telnet 9998 then you should see "Connected and Escape ]"... type: show config to see that you are connected.

Trying to disconnect from Telnet? Use this key combo in linux: CTRL+] then type quit.

To run a blakserv command, try this: php blakserv.php save

You must edit app\Blakserv\Commands.php and put in your Maintenance IP and Port (right now it's set to / 9998).