NIEM / NBAC-NTAC-collaboration

A repo for tracking issues to support collaboration between the NIEM business and technical architecure committees
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NBAC/NTAC Collaboration Repo

A Github repo for collaboration between the NIEM Technical Architecture Committee (NTAC) and the NIEM Business Architecture Committee (NBAC).


The goal of the NBAC-NTAC collaboration workflow is to support completion of the joint work of the NIEM governance committees with clear responsibility throughout the process.

Either the NBAC or NTAC may make a request of the other body. Each new request is represented by a new issue in the issue tracker. If a request is part of an existing overarching task, it may be added as a task item in existing issue, or as its own issue, as appropriate. Sub-tasks may be broken out as their own tasks or merged into overarching tasks, as appropriate.

The project board has 3 columns, corresponding to states of an issue:

Issue conventions

Assign the issue to a Github user according to which organization is responsible for the issue: