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LLM Chat Interface


LLM Chat Interface is a chat front-end interface designed to provide staff with a secured, chat-like experience for their day-to-day work, through calls to Microsoft Azure's OpenAI API. This application mimics public tooling like ChatGPT and Google Bard, leveraging the Azure OpenAI API for basic chat functionalities and file uploads.


Building and Launching

To build and host the LLM Chat Interface application:

  1. Clone the repository to your local or server environment.
  2. Ensure you have the necessary dependencies installed (as specified in the Code Dependencies section below).
  3. Copy the example_chat_config.ini to your PHP include location. Note that we use the include path, '/etc/apps/chat_config.ini'.
  4. Configure the application settings in the chat_config.ini file.
  5. Utilize the chat_db.sql to set up the database schema.
  6. Follow deployment instructions to get the web server running (e.g., Apache, Nginx).

Code Dependencies

The application relies on the following code dependencies:

Azure API Configuration

For the Azure OpenAI API, you will need:

OpenID / Authentication Information

The application uses OpenID for authentication. You will need to configure:

Database Information

The MariaDB schema for this chat interface is very simple, just two tables: chat and exchange. Note, the summary field is not in use at the moment. Additionally, the data is never deleted, we simply flag as deleted and hide in the interface.

-- Table structure for table chat

CREATE TABLE chat ( id varchar(32) NOT NULL, user varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, title varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL, summary text DEFAULT NULL, deployment varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, document_name varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL, document_text longtext DEFAULT NULL, deleted tinyint(4) DEFAULT 0, timestamp timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, UNIQUE KEY id (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;

-- -- Table structure for table exchange

CREATE TABLE exchange ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, chat_id varchar(32) NOT NULL, user varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, prompt text DEFAULT NULL, reply text DEFAULT NULL, deployment varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, deleted tinyint(4) DEFAULT 0, timestamp timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY fk_exchange_chat (chat_id), CONSTRAINT fk_exchange_chat FOREIGN KEY (chat_id) REFERENCES chat (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_general_ci;p

Configuration Changes

Before launching the application, you need to make the following changes to the configuration files:

Note that the provided example_chat_config.ini serves as a template and must be filled with your specific details.


We welcome contributions, whether they are for bug fixes, feature additions, or improvements in documentation. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


This project is placed in the public domain, which means that it is free for anyone to use, modify, and distribute without any restrictions.