NIVANorge / chemspiderapi

R functionalites for ChemSpider's new API services
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R functionalities for ChemSpider’s API services

ChemSpider has introduced a new API syntax in late 2018, and the old ChemSpider API syntax will be shut down at the end of November 2018. {chemspiderapi} provides R wrappers around the new API services from ChemSpider.

The aim of this package is to:

1) Translate the new ChemSpider API services into R-friendly functions. 2) Include thorough quality checking before the query is send, to avoid using up the query quota on, e.g., spelling errors. 3) Implement the R functionality in a way that is suitable for both {base}- and {tidyverse}-style programming.

{chemspiderapi} relies on API keys to access ChemSpider’s API services. For this, we recommend storing the ChemSpider API key using the {keyring} package.

To limit the rate of API queries, we recommend using the {ratelimitr} package or purrr::slowly() within the {tidyverse} package collection.

To handle PNG images, the {magick} package is recommended.

We furthermore recommend the {memoise} package to “remember” the results of API queries (i.e., to not ruin the API allowance).

Additionally, the superb {webchem} package provides access to a lot of additional chemistry-related API services and is highly recommended.


R package

Install the package from GitHub (using the {remotes} package; automatically installed as part of {devtools}):

# install.packages("devtools")

The development version can be installed with:

# install.packages("devtools")
remotes::install_github("NIVANorge/chemspiderapi", ref = "dev")

Currently the only tested continuous integration environment for {chemspiderapi} is Linux. It should install smoothly on Windows 10 and mac OS machines as well. Please open an issue if you run into any troubles.


{chemspiderapi} relies on two essential dependencies. The {curl} package is used to handle the API queries and the {jsonlite} package is necessary to wrap and unwrap information for the queries.

If not already installed, these packages will be installed automatically when installing {chemspiderapi}. Should this result in trouble, the dependency packages can be installed manually:

install.packages(c("curl", "jsonlite"))

If {curl} or {jsonlite} are missing, (almost) all functions of {chemspiderapi} will fail and throw an error.


As of 2021-01-05, the following functionalities are implemented (100% functionality with 100% annotation):


ChemSpider Compound API chemspiderapi Wrapper chemspiderapi Help File
filter-element-post post_element() yes
filter-formula-batch-post post_formula_batch() yes
filter-formula-batch-queryId-results-get get_formula_batch_queryId_results() yes
filter-formula-batch-queryId-status-get get_formula_batch_queryId_status() yes
filter-formula-post post_formula() yes
filter-inchi-post post_inchi() yes
filter-inchikey-post post_inchikey() yes
filter-intrinsicproperty-post post_intrinsicproperty() yes
filter-mass-batch-post post_mass_batch() yes
filter-mass-batch-queryId-results-get get_mass_batch_queryId_results() yes
filter-mass-batch-queryId-status-get get_mass_batch_queryId_status() yes
filter-mass-post post_mass() yes
filter-name-post post_name() yes
filter-queryId-results-get get_queryId_results() yes
filter-queryId-results-sdf-get get_queryId_results_sdf() yes
filter-queryId-status-get get_queryId_status() yes
filter-smiles-post post_smiles() yes


ChemSpider Compound API chemspiderapi Wrapper chemspiderapi Help File
lookups-datasources-get get_datasources() yes


ChemSpider Compound API chemspiderapi Wrapper chemspiderapi Help File
records-batch-post post_batch() yes
records-recordId-details-get get_recordId_details() yes
records-recordId-externalreferences-get get_recordId_externalreferences() yes
records-recordId-image-get get_recordId_image() yes
records-recordId-mol-get get_recordId_mol() yes


ChemSpider Compound API chemspiderapi Wrapper chemspiderapi Help File
tools-convert-post post_convert() yes
tools-validate-inchikey-post post_validate_inchikey() yes

Best practices for ChemSpider’s Compound APIs

This section will be updated with practical examples in the future.

The basic workflow order for the above FILTERING queries is:

1) POST Query

2) GET Status

3) GET Results (after GET Status returns "Complete")

In practice, this means the following possible workflows can be implemented (from left to right):

POST Query GET Status GET Results
post_element() get_queryId_status() get_queryId_results()
post_formula() get_queryId_status() get_queryId_results()
post_formula_batch() get_formula_batch_queryId_status() get_formula_batch_queryId_results()
post_inchi() get_queryId_status() get_queryId_results()
post_inchikey() get_queryId_status() get_queryId_results()
post_intrinsicproperty() get_queryId_status() get_queryId_results()
post_mass() get_queryId_status() get_queryId_results()
post_mass_batch() get_mass_batch_queryId_status() get_mass_batch_queryId_results()
post_mass() get_queryId_status() get_queryId_results()
post_name() get_queryId_status() get_queryId_results()
post_smiles() get_queryId_status() get_queryId_results()

Typically, the result will be one or multiple ChemSpider IDs (recordId). They can be used as input into the above RECORDS queries, e.g., get_recordId_details().


As of 2021-01-05, the following five vignettes are available:


This package was created at the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) in conjunction with NIVA’s Computational Toxicology Program (NCTP) at NIVA’s Section for Ecotoxicology and Risk Assessment and funded by The Research Council of Norway (RCN), project 268294: Cumulative Hazard and Risk Assessment of Complex Mixtures and Multiple Stressors (MixRisk).


MIT © Raoul Wolf