NJDROID-Associates / yes_chef

Yes Chef is an intelligent meal planning application that can ingest a link to a recipe and generate a list of ingredients and the steps to make it, amongst other features.
MIT License
0 stars 1 forks source link

Original App Design Project - README

Yes, Chef!


Video Walkthrough

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema



Yes Chef is an intelligent meal planning application that can ingest a link to a recipe and generate a list of ingredients and the steps to make it, along with other helpful features for meal planning and grocery shopping.

App Evaluation

Product Spec

1. User Stories (Required and Optional)

Required Must-have Stories

Optional Nice-to-have Stories

2. Screen Archetypes

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)


[Lo - Fi]

Hi Fi!

GIF of walkthrough




Property Type Description
userID String Generated by back4app (default field)
Username String Users email address
DisplayedName String Name displayed to users of the app
Password String Hashed user password
ProfilePic File User’s uploaded profile pic
About String User’s description
FirstName String User’s first name
LastName String User’s last name


Property Type Description
postID String Generated by back4app (default field)
RecipeID Pointer to Recipe object Subject of post
Image File Picture of finished recipe (optional)
Description String User’s description of recipe
Likes Array Array of userID pointers who liked the post
Comments Array Array of JSON objects representing comments
UserID Pointer to User object User who made post


Property Type Description
Private Boolean Controls visibility of recipe on app
recipeID String Generated by back4app (default field)
userID Pointer to user User who uploaded recipe
savesCount Number Number of users who have saved this recipe to their profile
Source String url string if generated from web, ‘Manual’ if manually entered by user
createdAt DateTime Date when recipe is created (default field)
Ingredients Array Array of JSON objects representing the ingredients for this recipe
Steps Array Array of JSON objects representing the steps for this recipe

Meal Plan

Property Type Description
Private Boolean Controls visibility of meal plan on app
planID String Generated by back4app (default field)
userID Pointer to user User who uploaded meal plan
savesCount Number Number of users who have saved this meal plan to their profile
Recipes Array Array of JSON objects representing the day / meal and the pointer to recipe
createdAt DateTime Date when meal plan is created (default field)
updatedAt DateTime Date when meal plan is updated (default field)

Shopping List

Property Type Description
listID String Generated by back4app (default field)
userID Pointer to user User who created shopping list
sharedWith Array Array of pointers to user objects representing those who have access to the shopping list
Ingredients Array Array of JSON objects representing the ingredients that make up the shopping list
createdAt DateTime Date when shopping list is created (default field)
updatedAt DateTime Date when shopping list is updated (default field)
