VGI-Enhanced multimodal large language model for remote sensing images.
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LHRS-Bot: Empowering Remote Sensing with VGI-Enhanced Large Multimodal Language Model

Dilxat Muhtar*, Zhenshi Li* , Feng Gu, Xueliang Zhang, and Pengfeng Xiao
(*Equal Contribution)

News | Introduction | Preparation | Training | Demo | Acknowledgement | Statement

## News + **\[Jul 15 2024\]:** We updated our paper at [arxiv](https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.02544). + **\[Jul 12 2024\]:** We post the missing part in our paper (some observations, considerations, and lessons) in [Zhihu](https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/708415355) (In Chinese, please contact us if you need English version). + **\[Jul 09 2024\]:** We have released our evaluation benchmark [LHRS-Bench](https://huggingface.co/datasets/PumpkinCat/LHRS_Data/tree/main/LHRS-Bench). + **\[Jul 02 2024\]:** Our paper has been accepted by ECCV 2024! We have open-sourced our training script and training data. Please follow the training instruction belown and [data preparation](./DataPrepare/README.md). + **\[Feb 21 2024\]:** We have updated our evaluation code. Any advice are welcom! + **\[Feb 7 2024\]:** Model weights are now available on both Google Drive and Baidu Disk. + **\[Feb 6 2024\]:** Our paper now is available at [arxiv](https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.02544). + **\[Feb 2 2024\]:** We are excited to announce the release of our code and model checkpoint! Our dataset and training recipe will be update soon! ## Introduction We are excited to introduce **LHRS-Bot**, a multimodal large language model (MLLM) that leverages globally available volunteer geographic information (VGI) and remote sensing images (RS). LHRS-Bot demonstrates a deep understanding of RS imagery and possesses the capability for sophisticated reasoning within the RS domain. In this repository, we will release our code, training framework, model weights, and dataset!
## Preparation ### Installation 1. Clone this repository. ~~~shell git clone git@github.com:NJU-LHRS/LHRS-Bot.git cd LHRS-Bot ~~~ 2. Create a new virtual enviroment ~~~shell conda create -n lhrs python=3.10 conda activate lhrs ~~~ 3. Install dependences and our package ~~~shell pip install -e . ~~~ ### Checkpoints + LLaMA2-7B-Chat + Automaticaly download: Our framework is designed to automatically download the checkpoint when you initiate training or run a demo. However, there are a few preparatory steps you need to complete: 1. Request the LLaMA2-7B-Chat models from [Hugging Face](https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf/tree/main). 2. After your request been processed, login to huggingface using your personal access tokens: ~~~shell huggingface-cli login (Then paste your access token and press Enter) ~~~ 3. Done! + Mannually download: + Download all the files from [HuggingFace](https://huggingface.co/meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf). + Change the following line of each file to your downloaded directory: + `/Config/multi_modal_stage{1, 2, 3}.yaml` ~~~yaml ... text: ... path: "" # TODO: Direct to your directory ... ~~~ + `/Config/multi_modal_eval.yaml` ~~~yaml ... text: ... path: "" # TODO: Direct to your directory ... ~~~ + LHRS-Bot Checkpoints: | Staeg1 | Stage2 | Stage3 | | :----------------------------------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------: | | [Baidu Disk](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1CYjUgGSvdchTuGtxUFNkGA?pwd=sgi7), [Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LYrKJ_SpsNQEFTuo6N3rc-TLyaWb4d1Y?usp=drive_link) | [Baidu Disk](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1WYCVPqbizowvLyNGWx9mIw?pwd=986f), [Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZPwkxvapEtvPoEdjKfvOe3j0SqpQeAu5?usp=drive_link) | [Baidu Disk](https://pan.baidu.com/s/1n1h_ZImeKTgvoNHjr5bq3Q?pwd=qhqw), [Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dzWTE1k935MjMVnfLtTJiIqw7yCj-e3m?usp=drive_link) | + ⚠️ Ensure that the `TextLoRA` folder is located in the same directory as `FINAL.pt`. The name `TextLoRA` should remain unchanged. Our framework will automatically detect the version perceiver checkpoint and, if possible, load and merge the LoRA module. + Development Checkpoint: We will continually update our model with advanced techniques. If you're interested, feel free to download it and have fun :) | Development | | :----------------------------------------------------------: | | [Baidu Disk](https://pan.baidu.com/s/134VYRigS4f9TuMk7ekoZbg?pwd=dxk4), [Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UPJXGvFsrt-OSI732AaAzsD_FPNJOBK3?usp=drive_link) | ## Training + Prepare and reformat your data following the instruction from [here](./DataPrepare/README.md). + Stage1 + Fill the `OUTPUT_DIR` and `DATA_DIR` of [script1](./Script/train_stage1.sh). + `cd Script; bash train_stage1.sh` + Stage2 + Fill the `OUTPUT_DIR` and `DATA_DIR` of [script1](./Script/train_stage2.sh) + Fill the `MODEL_PATH` for loading the stage1' checkpoint + `cd Script; bash train_stage2.sh` + Stage3 is same as Stage2 except for different folder and script ([here](./Script/train_stage3.sh)). ## Demo + Online Web UI demo with gradio: ~~~shell python lhrs_webui.py \ -c Config/multi_modal_eval.yaml \ # config file --checkpoint-path ${PathToCheckpoint}.pt \ # path to checkpoint end with .pt --server-port 8000 \ # change if you need --server-name \ # change if you need --share # if you want to share with other ~~~ + Command line demo: ~~~shell python cli_qa.py \ -c Config/multi_modal_eval.yaml \ # config file --model-path ${PathToCheckpoint}.pt \ # path to checkpoint end with .pt --image-file ${TheImagePathYouWantToChat} \ # path to image file (Only Single Image File is supported) --accelerator "gpu" \ # change if you need ["mps", "cpu", "gpu"] --temperature 0.4 \ --max-new-tokens 512 ~~~ + Inference: + Classification ~~~shell python main_cls.py \ -c Config/multi_modal_eval.yaml \ # config file --model-path ${PathToCheckpoint}.pt \ # path to checkpoint end with .pt --data-path ${ImageFolder} \ # path to classification image folder --accelerator "gpu" \ # change if you need ["mps", "cpu", "gpu"] --workers 4 \ --enabl-amp True \ --output ${YourOutputDir} # Path to output (result, metric etc.) --batch-size 8 \ ~~~ + Visual Grounding ~~~shell python main_vg.py \ -c Config/multi_modal_eval.yaml \ # config file --model-path ${PathToCheckpoint}.pt \ # path to checkpoint end with .pt --data-path ${ImageFolder} \ # path to image folder --accelerator "gpu" \ # change if you need ["mps", "cpu", "gpu"] --workers 2 \ --enabl-amp True \ --output ${YourOutputDir} # Path to output (result, metric etc.) --batch-size 1 \ # It's better to use batchsize 1, since we find batch inference --data-target ${ParsedLabelJsonPath} # is not stable. ~~~ + Visual Question Answering ~~~shell python main_vqa.py \ -c Config/multi_modal_eval.yaml \ # config file --model-path ${PathToCheckpoint}.pt \ # path to checkpoint end with .pt --data-path ${Image} \ # path to image folder --accelerator "gpu" \ # change if you need ["mps", "cpu", "gpu"] --workers 2 \ --enabl-amp True \ --output ${YourOutputDir} # Path to output (result, metric etc.) --batch-size 1 \ # It's better to use batchsize 1, since we find batch inference --data-target ${ParsedLabelJsonPath} # is not stable. --data-type "HR" # choose from ["HR", "LR"] ~~~ ## Acknowledgement + We gratitude to the following repositories for their wonderful works: + [LLaVA](https://github.com/haotian-liu/LLaVA) + [MiniGPT-4](https://github.com/Vision-CAIR/MiniGPT-4) + [LLaMA](https://github.com/facebookresearch/llama) ## Statement + If you find our work is useful, please give us 🌟 in GitHub and consider cite our paper: ~~~tex @misc{2402.02544, Author = {Dilxat Muhtar and Zhenshi Li and Feng Gu and Xueliang Zhang and Pengfeng Xiao}, Title = {LHRS-Bot: Empowering Remote Sensing with VGI-Enhanced Large Multimodal Language Model}, Year = {2024}, Eprint = {arXiv:2402.02544}, } ~~~ + Licence: Apache