STAPLER (Shared TCR And Peptide Language bidirectional Encoder Representations from transformers) is a language model that uses a joint TCRab-peptide input to predict TCRab-peptide specificity.
Apache License 2.0
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Preprint (bioRxiv) . Report Bug

Getting Started


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/NKI-AI/STAPLER.git
  2. Navigate to the directory containing setup.py
    cd STAPLER
  3. Install the STAPLER package (should take less than 10 minutes)
    python -m pip install .

Data and model checkpoints

The following data is available here:


STAPLER was pre-trained and fine-tuned using an a100 GPU. At this moment no other GPU's have been tested.


Inside the tools directory the following file should be changed:


Pre-training, fine-tuning and testing of STAPLER

Inside the tools directory contains the following files to pre-train, fine-tune and/or test STAPLER on a SLURM cluster. Also provide an argument to --partition to specify the partition to use.

Alternatively run STAPLER directly on a machine with an appropriate GPU (see requirements).

Required GPU time

The pre-training should take a day, fine-tuning should take a couple of hours per fold and testing/inference should take a couple of minutes for all 5-fold predictions.

Custom parameters

To experiment with custom model parameters change the paramteres inside the config directory (implemented using Hydra). The config directory contains the following main configuration files:

Issues and feature requests

To request a feature or to discuss any issues, please let us know by opening an issue on the issues page.


Corresponding author: Ton Schumacher

Ton Schumacher group (NKI) - Group website - Twitter

Ai for Oncology group (NKI) - Group website - Twitter


The development of the STAPLER model is the result of a collaboration between the Schumacher lab AIforOncology lab at the Netherlands Cancer Institute. The following people contributed to the development of the model:

A part of the data was provided, and consequent results were interpreted by the following people from the Wu lab (DFCI and Harvard Medical School):

STAPLER is built on top of the x-transformers package


Distributed under the Apache 2.0 License.

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