NLeSC / PattyData

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This repository is related to the data management for the Via Appia 3D GIS and it contains:

In you can find the Software User Manual of the 4D GIS system with an overview of the systems and special focus on the data management (DB and data structure).

In you can find the Software User Manual for the OSG desktop-based viewer/editor. In the bottom of this page you can find information about installing and setting up of the OSG viewer/editor. The code is in the private repository

The web-based Potree viewer is also available. Please contact the administrator if you wish to have access to the web visualization.

Managing data

In this section we shortly describe how to manage data, i.e. add new data (point clouds, meshes, pictures) or how to remove it.

Add data

List data

In order to see the data that is currently available in the Via Appia data structure you have to log in the the Via Appia Linux server with Putty (as explained in the previous section) and use:

This will list the raw data items (i.e. not the converted OSG or Potree versions), for each data item the ID and the PATH is shown.

Remove data

OSG Via Appia viewer

The OSG viewer requires to have a local copy of all the OSG data in your computer as well as the latest XML configuration file.

You can use the viewer/editor with DB/Data synchronization and without it. To use the synchronized viewer you need to use the launcher/binary/ViaAppia.bat, to use the unsynchronized viewer use viewer/viewer/startViewer.bat

Synchronized viewer

Unsynchronized viewer


In addition to download the Via Appia OSG repository in your Windows machine you also need to install:

Setting up

In order for the viewer to work you need to: